最近,我们到浙江省作了一次调查,了解到该省的财政收入增加较快,今年1至9月收入完成全年计划的79.3%,超过往年同期的比例;支出得到控制,基本建设等支出比上年同期下降17.5%。这是和全省上上下下、扎扎实实地开展“双增双节”运动分不开的。在“双增双节”运动中,他们着重抓了以下几个方面的工作: 一、把企业作为增产节约、增收节支的重点,努
Recently, we conducted a survey in Zhejiang Province and learned that the fiscal revenue of the province increased rapidly. From January to September this year, revenue reached 79.3% of the annual plan, exceeding the same period of the previous year. Expenditure was controlled and capital construction and other expenditures Down 17.5% over the same period of last year. This is inseparable from the ups and downs of the whole province and the “double-double-double” movement carried out in a down-to-earth manner. In the “double plus double” campaign, they focused on the following aspects: First, the business as a key to increasing production and saving, increasing revenue and reducing costs, efforts to