在制造业领域普遍存在着一个有趣的现象:那些在行业内如日中天的企业,在大众的心目中往往不那么知名——这与学术大师往往不如演艺明星光彩夺目一样。然而大师就是大师,作为学界或者行业的泰斗,他们靠的是实力而不是人气。邦飞利就是这样一家在全球动力传动与控制领域中的泰斗级企业,上海电器、宝钢、三一重工这些国人耳熟能详的知名企业,都是它的客户。邦飞利在52年的发展历史中,其触角遍布全球各地。2003年,它来到了中国,目前主持在华业务的是它的亚洲区主管Carlo Cecchi,也许是入乡随俗的缘故,Carlo给自己起了一个颇为吉祥的中国名字:康隆。怀着对这家典型的意大利家族式企业强烈的兴趣,《沪港经济》记者在陆家嘴新上海国际大厦19楼采访了这位帅气且又健谈的康隆先生。
An interesting phenomenon is common in the manufacturing sector: Businesses that thrive in the industry tend to be less well-known among the general public - something that academic masters often do not look like glamorous stars. However, the master is a master, as an academic or industry leader, they rely on strength rather than popularity. Bonfiglioli is such a leading company in the field of powertrain and control in the world. Shanghai Electric, Baosteel and SANY Heavy Industries are well-known enterprises of these people and are all its customers. Bonfiglioli 52 years in the history of its development, its tentacles all over the world. It came to China in 2003 and currently runs Carlo Cecchi, its regional director in China. Perhaps Carlo Cecchi, a native of China, has a very auspicious Chinese name: Camlon. With a strong interest in this typical Italian family-owned business, reporters at Shanghai-Hong Kong Economy interviewed Mr. Kang, who was handsome and talkative, on the 19th floor of the new Shanghai International Building in Lujiazui.