二战后军事高科技的发展、武器装备的变革以及与现代化武器相匹配的作战理论的发展 ,已经极大地促进了作战能力的提高 ,已经并将继续推动现代战争发生一系列重大变化 :一、战争的科技含量不断提高 ,有形战争中正在孕育着无形战争 ,信息战已初见端倪 ,高技术性已成为二战后多次局部战争的显著特点 ;二、政治、经济等诸多因素对战争的制约力增强 ,战争的目的和规模受到严格限制 ,战争呈局部性 ;三、战场空间日益增大 ,战争的时空观发生重大改变 ,战争已由平面转化为立体战争 ;四、高技术武器装备使战争的节奏大大加快 ,战争的进程大为缩短 ,但准备时间延长 ;五、战后空中力量的巨大作用日渐显现 ,战略空中进攻与防御成为重要作战样式 ,空中袭击的重点目标及顺序不断有所变化 ;六、战争的胜负更依赖于综合国力、系统对抗、军队质量对比和战前准备 ;七、高技术战争并不排斥固有的作战思想与方法 ,但某些固有的作战思想与方法要适应新的条件并有所发展
The development of high-tech military after World War II, the transformation of weapons and equipment and the development of operational theories that match modern weapons have greatly contributed to the enhancement of combat capability and have, and will continue to promote, a series of major changes in the modern war. First, the war The continuous improvement of the scientific and technological content, the visible war is pregnant with the invisible war, the information war has begun to take shape, high-tech has become a prominent feature of many local wars after World War II; Second, political and economic factors such as increased restraint on the war The purpose and scale of the war were severely restricted and the war was localized. Third, space on the battlefield was growing day by day. Significant changes have taken place in the space-time concept of war. The war has been transformed from a plane into a three-dimensional war. Fourth, the rhythm of high-tech weapons and equipment has made the war Greatly accelerated the process of the war greatly shortened, but the preparation time is prolonged; 5. The great role of air power in the post-war period has become increasingly apparent. The strategic air offensive and defensive operations have become important operational modes. The key targets and order of air strikes have continuously changed. The outcome of the war depends more on the comprehensive national strength, systematic confrontation and the comparison of the quality of the armed forces Pre-war preparations; Seven, high-tech war does not exclude the inherent operational concepts and methods, but some of the inherent operational concepts and methods to adapt to new conditions and some development