网络的宽带无线接入方式,目前主要是MMDS(多道多点分布业务)和LMDS(本地多点分布业务)。为适应高速数据传输的要求,从根本上拓宽“最后一公里”用户接入的“瓶颈”,无线光传输亦称无线光路(FSO,Free-Space Optics)开始受到广泛的关注和应用。
The broadband wireless access mode of the network is mainly MMDS (multi-channel multi-point distributed service) and LMDS (local multi-point distributed service) at present. In order to meet the requirements of high-speed data transmission, the “bottleneck” of “last mile” access is broadened fundamentally. Wireless optical transmission, also known as Free-Space Optics (FSO), has attracted wide attention and application.