小引 法国小说家福楼拜在他的代表作《包法利夫人》中写道:“越往前进,艺术越要科学化,同时科学也要艺术化。两者从山麓分手,回头又在山顶汇合。”这段话对科学与艺术的关系作了精辟的分析。用它来观照中国古典名著《红楼梦》也十分贴切。 本文将沿着这条红线说开去…… 一、红楼梦这座艺术宫殿是建立在科技这块坚岩之上的 《红楼梦》有大量的科技知识,它有力地支撑着这座光辉灿烂的艺术殿堂。现从动植物、宝石、纺织、印染、服饰和化妆品诸方面作一简单的扫描。
Little French novelist Flaubert wrote in his masterpiece Madame Bovary: “The more we advance, the more scientific the art is, and the more art we have, the two break up from the foot of the foothills and return to the summit Meeting. ”This passage made a brilliant analysis of the relationship between science and art. Use it to observe the Chinese classic “Dream of Red Mansions” is also very appropriate. This article will go along this red line to open ... ... A Dream of Red Mansions This art palace is built on this rock solid science and technology on the “Dream of Red Mansions” a large number of scientific and technological knowledge, which strongly support the brilliant art Palace. Now from animals and plants, precious stones, textiles, printing and dyeing, clothing and cosmetics made a simple scan.