生为临川人,实在是应该骄傲的。当你来至世间叫出第一声时, 便被冠予了“才子”的殊荣,便注定要在临川的文化里撞个“鼻青脸肿”,你寻觅的足迹便留在了临川城。临川城如孩子般静卧于江西的一隅,寂寞地厮守着一方水土。在城市的尽头,与抚州中医学校仅一墙之隔的王安石纪念馆,它远离那份喧哗,独自安然地立在那里。它沐浴在临川文化里,如一个贪婪的婴儿躺在母亲的怀抱里,甜甜地、静静地吮吸着,身体便迅速地成长起来。
Being born in Linchuan should really be proud. When you came to the world and called out the first, you were given the honor of “Genius” and you were doomed to hit a “blushing nose” in Linchuan’s culture. The footprint you sought was left in Linchuan City. Linchuan City like a child lying in a corner of Jiangxi, loneliness to guard one side of land and water. At the end of the city, the Wang Anshi Memorial Hall, which is separated from the Fuzhou Chinese Medicine School by only one wall, is far away from that place and stands alone there. It was bathed in Linchuan culture. Like a greedy baby lying in the arms of her mother, she sucked sweetly and the body quickly grew up.