8月23日中午12时许,位于绍兴市舜江路695号的浙江绍兴台昌电器有限公司发生火灾,18时许,大火基本被扑灭。据了解,此次火灾过火面积1万多平方米,虽然没有人员伤亡报告,但厂区内的厂房、办公楼和仓库基本上已付之灰烬。 现场目击者称,当日中午12点左右,厂区内开始着火,浓烟滚滚,由于正值高温天气,火势很凶很猛,而且迅速蔓延,并不时伴有剧烈的爆炸声,可能是储存在仓库内的“甲苯”发生爆炸。
At noon on August 23, a fire broke out in Zhejiang Shaoxing Taichang Electric Appliance Co., Ltd. at No. 695 Shunjiang Road, Shaoxing City. At about 18:00, the fire was basically extinguished. It is understood that the fire over an area of over 10,000 square meters, although no casualties report, but the factory plant, office buildings and warehouses have basically paid the ashes. Witnesses at the scene said that at about 12 noon on the same day, the plant started to catch fire and the smoke was getting heavy. Due to the hot weather, the fire was fierce and fierce, and it spread rapidly. From time to time accompanied by a violent explosion, it was probably stored in a warehouse Within the “toluene” exploded.