Zou Dongwei is one of the most important disciples of Wang Yangming. He had an important influence on both the time and the future. East profile quite profitable, “Papers” 12 volumes, “Manuscripts” Volume 13 handed down. Luo nunnery in the “Ming Guizi Nanjing Imperial Jurisprudence Jiugong Dongzou cemetery” said: “As for the rhetoric, Jujuan more than ten, the salty masters of the heart, unique. ” And Song Yi Wang in the “Mr. Zou Dongliao” That “Mr. set a few dozen volumes ”. The editors are entitled “The Collection of Dong Hau Chow’s Works” Volume 12 (The Library of Shanghai in the Early Qing Dynasty) and “The Manuscripts of Dong Hau Chow’s Works” (The Collection of the 30th Anniversary of Guangxu in the Shanghai Library) Geng set out to “East Mr. Zou Biography” and Zou Dehan’s “Wen Zhuang Jun Jun Biography” as the main basis for the preparation of “Mr. Zou Dongxiao Chronicle.” The compilation of “Chronicle” has two purposes. One is to examine the life stories of the East profile; the other is to highlight the basic idea of the East profile. Chronicle also corrected some of the documented errors. In addition, the “Chronicle” also made a brief introduction to the important people involved.