放射治疗是颅内良恶性肿瘤安全有效的治疗方法,18F—FDG PET可以提供肿瘤细胞生物特性信息,能区分颅内肿瘤放射治疗后射线损伤与肿瘤复发,灵敏度为80%-90%,特异度为 40%~100%;能预测3~4级复发恶性胶质瘤放射治疗的生存时间,预测颅内肿瘤放射治疗预后和评价治疗反应;结合其他影像方法可提高颅内肿瘤放射治疗诊断准确性。
Radiation therapy is a safe and effective method for the treatment of benign and malignant intracranial tumors. 18F-FDG PET can provide information on the biological characteristics of tumor cells and can distinguish between radiographic lesions and tumor recurrence after intracranial tumors radiotherapy. The sensitivity is 80% -90% Is 40% ~ 100%; can predict the survival time of grade 3 ~ 4 recurrent malignant glioma radiotherapy, prognosis of intracranial tumor radiotherapy prognosis and evaluation of treatment response; combined with other imaging methods can improve the diagnostic accuracy of radiotherapy for intracranial tumors .