Content analysis of systematic reviews on effectiveness ofTraditional Chinese Medicine

来源 :Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:huanyou123
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OBJECTIVE:To evaluate evidence for the efficacy of Traditional Chinese Medicine(TCM) in systematic reviews.METHODS:Chinese(TCM Periodical Literature Database,Chinese Biological Medicine database,Chinese Medical Current Contents,China Hospital Knowledge Database journal fulltext database,Virtual Machining and Inspection System,and Wanfang) and English(Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews,PubMed and Embase) databases were searched.RESULTS:Three thousand,nine hundred and fifty-five articles were initially identified,606 of which met the inclusion criteria,including 251 in English(83 from the Cochrane Database) and 355 in Chinese.The number of articles published each year increased between 1989 and 2009.Cardiocerebrovascular disease was the most studied target disease.Intervention measures included TCM preparations(177 articles),acupuncture(133 articles) and combinations of TCM and Western Medicine(38 articles).Control measures included positive medical(177 articles),basic treatment(100 articles),placebo(219 articles),and blank and mutual(107 articles).All articles included at least one reference;the greatest number was 268.Six of 10 articles with high quality references demonstrated curative effectsagainst target diseases including upper respiratory tract infection,dementia and depression.Interventions that were not recommended were tripterygium for rheumatoid arthritis and TCM syndrome differentiation for pediatric nocturia.In 10.4% of the studies,the authors concluded that the intervention had a curative effect.The assessors agreed with the authors’ conclusions in 88.32% of cases,but rejected 8.94%(54 articles).CONCLUSION:1) Training in systematic review methods,including topic selection,study design,methods and technology,should be improved.2) Upper respiratory tract infection,dementia and depression may become the predominant diseases treated by TCM,and the corresponding interventions could be developed into practical applications.3) Use of non-recommended interventions should be controlled,and there should be more research on side effects.
利培酮(Risperidone,商品名 维思通)是一种新型抗精神病药,为第一个具有独特平衡机理的5—羟色胺/多马胺受体拮抗剂。九十年代初期由比利时杨森(Janssen)制药有限公司研制成
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中国古代学者中,,很多人顽固地认为人类的理想时代在史前时代,比如与王安石同时代的儒家大师张载便是如此,面对宋王朝的困境,他积极地主张把社会秩序退回到远古时代,从而“为万世开太平”。这种复古的最主要手段便是井田制。  井田制,据说是我国西周时期较为普及的土地制度。意思是将土地划分为许多 “井”字形,周围由各家每户一块进行耕作,中央一块大家合作,其收获作为给国君的供奉。于是从此没了兼并,天下太平。实际