On Aesthetic Mechanism of Translation

来源 :新生代·上半月 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:qiuxi1984
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  Abstract: The study of the translator's psychological activity is an essential part of the translation process. The process of translation is a complex process of psychological activity, which involves the translator's language psychology, aesthetic psychology and cultural psychology. To study the translator's psychological activities must be based on the theory of psychology and its branches. The process of aesthetic psychology and aesthetic characteristic are two important concepts in aesthetic psychology, which has always been attached importance by scholars. This paper will stress the benefit of aesthetics for the process of translation.
  Keywords: Aesthetic subject and object, Aesthetic interpretation process
  Whether it is traditional translation theory Or modern translation theory, there exists a closely established relation with philosophy and aesthetics from theoretical propositions to methodology. The skill of translation depends to a great extent on translator’s aesthetic Perception of the True Value of Literary Works. From the strict sense, Western classical translation theory is a part of classical literary theory, while the translation theory in the history of Chinese translation is probably the aesthetic exploration or comment for translation.
  This paper aims to settle with some mistakes in the translation by way of aesthetic mechanism, we need to take a detailed explanation of what aesthetics is, only a good knowledge of aesthetic mechanism can we reduce the mistakes and deal with the problems in the following task.
  1.The definition of aesthetic subject and object
  The aesthetic subject of the translation is the translator itself, the effect of beauty on the translation works can be achieved in the connection with the aesthetic composition of the source language as well as with the translator's aesthetic standard, only with the both two interrelated and united, the translation works have aesthetic effect and the translation can make the reader more receptive.
  Aesthetic object refers to the objective things people's aesthetic behavior involves. Without doubt, The aesthetic object of translation is the original text, how to evaluate the aesthetic standard of the article, and the aesthetic value plays a key role. The first is beauty in the language form of the original text. The other is non-representative elements.
  2.The aesthetic standard of translation
  It is necessary that whether a good translation work is of aesthetics or not depends on the requirement of aesthetic standard. The standard underpins a view of dialectic and entirety. Translation is an inter lingual activity, which is indispensable to concrete bilingual differences. The aesthetic standard of translation should be established in a relative way. Because different languages have different lingual regularity, aesthetic standard can be achieved relatively, what’s more, different patterns result in rich beauty of form.   3.The process of translation aesthetic interpretation
  In essence, the aesthetic interpretation of the text refers to the translator  interprets the artistic concept and imagery the author is endowed with through the text shape, that is, sound, word, sentence and article. In the following, we will have a detailed interpretation of the sound and word of source text in combination of the translation practice.
  3.1.The interpretation of sound in translation
  The interpretation of sound to interpret the course of voice configuration of source text. Vocal beauty of source text need to be analyzed from next steps, the aesthetic attribute of voice on voice content demonstrates three parts, the first is the symbolic meaning of voice of source text, then the inner emotion the voice of source text expresses and resonate emotionally with the author, the last is evoking the image of the things that send out voice in the brain.
  Here are some examples to demonstrate the essence of the interpretation of sound in translation practice.
  eg (1). ST: He swings the fish from the water, a wild stripe flicking and flashing into the boat, and grabs the line, twisting the hook out, holding the fish down in the footrests.
  TT: 他拽著鱼线,鱼露出水面,那是一条带着条状的鱼,野性十足,身上闪烁着光芒,他一边拉紧鱼线,一边手扭去鱼钩,稳稳地把鱼放在脚蹬下。
  The interpretation of source text: in this sentence the verbs like swings (摇晃), grabs(抓住), twist(扭动)and hold(握住)have stronger rhythm and produce a vivid image. The words “ flicking” and “ flashing” have something common in voiceless consonant /f/ , which show clearly the sound of water and the brilliant sunlight. In other respect, among the words “water”, “boat”, “out” and “footrest” the end syllables of every word rhyme, which make the sentence stronger sense of rhythm and beauty.
  The approach to aesthetic mechanism is beneficial for the improvement of target text in conveying the deep structure of source text. By the detailed explanation of aesthetic subject and object, we have a better understanding of the use of aesthetic mechanism for the interpretation of source text.
【摘要】:当代存在论美学观根源于西方生态美学理论,吸收借鉴了大量中国本土的生态智慧和生态美学,展现出了强烈的中国特色,具有丰富的美学内涵和理论实践意义。本文阐述了当代存在论美学观的理论来源和内涵,同时分析了当代存在论美学观的现实意义。  【关键词】:当代存在论美学观 生态美学 研究分析  一、引言  改革开放以来,我国社会经济取得了迅速的发展,但也引发了一系列的生态环境问题,生态美学在因此在我国得
【摘要】:通過对黑龙江省部分朝鲜族乡村调查发现,散居地区的朝鲜族人口流失十分严重,出现乡村空巢化、人口老龄化等问题;而随之带来的就是对朝鲜族乡村治理与规划上面的困境。本文通过实地调查与访问,就当地朝鲜族人口、教育和乡村建设现状进行描述,并结合自己的观点和看法对这三方面进行总结。  【关键词】:人口流失 教育 乡村建设  一、人口流动分析  改革开放以来, 随着社会主义市场经济体制的建立和完善,打破
教育家孔子两千多年前曾提出“有教无类”的理念,提出不管什么人,不论贵贱贫富,都应受到教育。多年来,我国一直在竭力推进“义务教育”努力向“有教无类”的目标迈进,但是,仍有部分适龄孩子因“校园欺凌”而不敢上学、不想上学,甚至不上学,这是我们的社会制度和教育思想所不能容许的,因此,我们在此探讨“校园欺凌”的防控问题,具有非常重要的现实意义。  一、“校园欺凌”的表现  “校园欺凌”,是指同学间一方(个体
【摘要】:船舶安全航行关键在于三个因素协调,一是人与船的协调;二是船员与环境的协调;三是船与环境的协调。  【关键词】:船舶 安全 因素  近些年来,随着社会经济不断发展,水运事业也迎来了“黄金周”。但与此同时,水运安全事故也时有发生,给人民生命财产造成重大损失,引发人们不断反思。本文结合工作实际,探讨影响航行安全因素问题。  一、影响船舶航行安全的因素  1.船员因素  船员因素是一项重要因素。
【摘要】:中国人口老龄化的进程不断加快,与发达国家的“先富后老”不同,中国则表现出了“未富先老”的人口特征,使得中国人口老龄化对经济社会的冲击要远远大于发达经济体。本文通过对开封市老年群体进行调查,对开封市居民养老模式的选择问题进行深入分析,以期为缓解开封市人口老龄化压力和制定科学合理的应对政策提供必要的经验支持和政策依据。  【关键词】::居家养老 社区养老 机构养老 养老模式  一、研究背景及