My Dream

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  My dream is flying in the sky, flying in the clouds and flying with birds.
  If I could fly, I would feel very cool. If I could fly, I would fly to the forests and sing with the birds. If I could fly, I would fly to the islands. There are many trees and flowers there. If I could fly, I would fly to the South Pole(南极) to play snowballs with penguins(企鹅).
  I want to fly very much. I must learn more knowledge(知识) because I want to be a man like Brother Wright to fly a plane.
  I hope my dream would come true some day.
  ★指导老师: Michael
一次偶然的机会,我和汪远征经过校长的同意当护校生了,可以在校住宿。这对我们乡里的同学来说,可真是喜从天降。在学校住了一段时间,我从来没有害怕过,因为有汪远征在,我不寂寞,也不孤独,他是我心灵上的支柱。然而今天,他把我无情地丢下,自己去走亲访友。我在这二十几间房子的学校里,第一次感到了孤独,感到了寂寞,更害怕起来,恐怖慢慢地占据了我的心灵……  晚上,我很早就钻进被窝,因为我的脑海里有一个角落,不断
Wang Hong is my best friend. She is as old as I. She has a round face and big eyes. She is taller than I. Every morning we go to school together. She studies very hard. She is good at English. When I
每天放学回家,明明都要向妈妈汇报英语课堂上学到的知识。这不,今天一回到家,明明就说上了:  I am going to play football tomorrow afternoon.  What are you going to do tomorrow afternoon, Mum?  妈妈听了,高兴地说:“看来你今天学习了 be going to,那你能具体说说它的用法吗?”  “这简单!”
My English name is Christina. I’m in Suzhou International Foreign Language School. I’m in Class Three, Grade Five. I have lots of friends in my class. Linda is my best friend. She is 12 years old. She
冰样柠檬/图    一  苏东坡是北宋大文学家、书画家,喜好游历名山大川。这天,苏东坡游至莫干山,山上草木葱郁,景色迷人。不知不觉,上山已有半日,加上正值盛夏季节,东坡渐感体力不支,便想找个地方歇歇脚。      二  半山腰上有一座寺庙,苏东坡推开寺门欲进去休息片刻。庙内住持见苏东坡衣着简单,便把他当作一般的过客,漫不经心地一扬手:“坐!”然后轻描淡写地吩咐一边的小和尚:“茶!”      三 
同学们,你们认为写作是一件快乐的事情吗?说真话,想写出一篇满意的文章,真是挺痛苦的;然而,作文大功告成之后那种快乐,也是实实在在的,特别是你把自己想表达的东西坦露后,与读者拉近了距离,让读者从文中“读”出了自己,你也很有成就感呢!我就有这样深刻的体验。想不想读读老师写的作文?赶紧往下读吧:    棉花糖的故事  时至今日,我仍然觉得自己在幼儿园时,是一个了不起的“说客”。倒不是能说会道,大概是满脸
Shen Feifan is my best friend. She is 13 years old. She is tall. She has long hair and two big eyes. We are in the same class. I like riding a bike, but she doesn’t. She likes reading books. She has a
一  这年,东晋大书法家王羲之由山东移居浙江绍兴。当地人知道王羲之是书法家,都想得到王羲之亲笔书写的作品。    二  转眼,春节将临,王羲之挥毫写了一副门联:“春风春雨春色,新年新岁新景。”让儿子贴在门上。不料刚贴出来,就让人悄悄揭走了。    三  王羲之只好再写一联:“莺啼北里,燕语南邻。”他又叫儿子贴上,不料又被一位酷爱他手迹的当地书法爱好者“盗”走。    四  除夕这天,大街上人来人往
难度系数:☆☆  你在生活中是否常常赞美别人?赞美欣赏别人会让你更讨人喜欢,交到更多的朋友哦,来学些赞美别人的话吧!    1. You look great today. 你今天看上去很棒。  2. You did a good job. 你干得非常好。  3. You’re looking sharp! 你看上去真精神/真棒/真漂亮!  4. The food is delicious. 好吃
1.种类惊人    Do you know that there are many more kinds of insects on the earth than any other kind of living creature(生物)? It’s hard to imagine(难以想象), but 95% of all the animal species(种类) on the earth