尤京文,1953年12月生于北京市。1969年8月参加工作,曾当过工人、技术员。1983年7月毕业于黑龙江大学哲学系哲学专业,获哲学学土学位。现任黑龙江省行政学院行政管理教研部主任、行政管理学教授。 1985年从事行政管理学教学至今,曾获学院优秀教学奖一、二等奖和教学质量年活动的先进个人奖,并多次获优秀教师称号,是学院“十佳教师”之一。 尤京文专著编著有:《现代化之路》(1991,黑龙江人民出版社,两人合著)、《怎
You Jingwen, born in December 1953 in Beijing. August 1969 to work, worked as a worker, technician. He graduated from Philosophy Department of Heilongjiang University in July 1983 and obtained a degree of philosophy in soil science. IncumbentHeilongjiangProvinceAdministrator of the Department of Administration, Professor of administration. In 1985 engaged in administration of teaching so far, won the college excellent teaching award first and second prize and teaching quality year advanced individual award, and repeatedly won the title of outstanding teacher, is the college “top ten teachers” one. You Jingwen monographs are: “the road to modernization” (1991, Heilongjiang People’s Publishing House, co-authored), "how