目的 介绍调试和使用Brain -ScanX刀治疗系统过程中相关物理参数的测量方法及质量控制的技术要求。 方法 (1)St、TMR、OFR的测量 ,(2 )直线加速器机械稳定性及等中心点的校准 ,(3)人体不均头模检验治疗计划与实际治疗中剂量分布的差异 ,(4)对每一例治疗计划中数据检验及检查。 结果 经过验证 ,相关物理参数的测量值和机械性能均达到X刀治疗的质量控制要求。 结论 X刀作为放射外科的一个主要手段 ,已成为可部分替代神经外科手术的新方法 ,但必须增强X刀治疗的质量保证与控制的意识 ,以保证其安全、有效
Objective To introduce the methods of measurement and quality control of the relevant physical parameters in the process of debugging and using Brain-ScanX knife system. Methods (1) Measurement of St, TMR and OFR, (2) Mechanical stability of linear accelerator and calibration of isocenters, (3) Differences in dose distribution between treatment plan and actual treatment of uneven head mode in human body, (4) For each case of treatment plan data inspection and inspection. The results have been verified, the relevant physical parameters measured and mechanical properties have reached the X knife treatment quality control requirements. Conclusion X-knife as a major means of radiosurgery has become a new method that can partially replace neurosurgery. However, it is necessary to enhance the quality assurance and control of X-knife in order to ensure its safety and effectiveness