User analysis in social networking services

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  [摘 要]如今SNS呈持續增长性应用,它给人们提供了一种低价高效的方式去与他人分享相同的兴趣,和参加活动相同的渴望。SNS为用户想要发布、分享内容、进行社交活动的需求提供了一个非常合适的平台,因此现下变得非常流行。并且,SNS作为用户生活的一部分,一直在优化和改进,从而更能满足用户的需求。在本次研究中,我们通过研究几种有效的用户分析的方法并用于对SNS用户的调研。
  [关键词]社交网络服务 用户分析 网络技术
  中图分类号:TP 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1009-914X(2015)23-0285-01
  1 Background
  A social networking service is an online service, platform, or site that allows users to share ideas, activities, events, and interests within their individual networks. Those networks can be based on connections like shared interests, activities, backgrounds, or real-life connections. Some social networking services are aimed for different demographics, for instance, Facebook friends are most likely friends in real life and share the same interests, while LinkedIn is aimed mostly for users who want to have work related connections etc. There are social networking services even for dating.
  A social networking service consists of a representation of each user (often a profile), his/her social links which can be text, photos and videos, and a variety of additional services. Most social network services are web-based and provide means for users to interact over the Internet, such as e-mail and instant messaging.
  Social networking services can be accessed via mobile phones, making them even more user friendly and usable.
  Instant messaging software like WhatsApp, line and WeChat installed in smart phones become part of our life. Particularly in China, QQ, an instant messaging software for PC is so popular that almost every internet user has an account for it.
  (boyd, danah; Ellison, Nicole 2008.)
  Popular software now combine many of these, with American-based services such as Facebook, Google+, YouTube, LinkedIn, Instagram, Pinterest, Vine, Tumblr, and Twitter widely used worldwide. Because of some well-known reasons, SNS like Qzone and moment in Wechat both from Tencent are dominant in China. At the same time, Weibo and Renren which work the similar way as Twitter and Facebook claim a considerable market share. As of September 2013, 71% of online adults use Facebook, 17% use Instagram, 21% use Pinterest, and 22% use LinkedIn. Facebook, the most used social networking service by worldwide monthly active users, plays a crucial part in communication at present.
  2 Importance
  Social networking services are being widely used by people all over the world turning the enormous user masses into a great resource for all kinds of information.   The information can then be applied to various fields, such as science, education, hosting services and so on. The requirements of this large-scale group of users can tremendously stimulate the generation of new Internet products and also prompt their development.
  “Because the content of any SNS is generated by the users, their behaviors are critical to the success of the sites.” Shwu-Min Horng , Analysis of Users’ Behavior on Web 2.0 Social Network Sites: An Empirical Study (2010).
  However, the common misunderstandings about users caused by various reasons, generate some hidden trouble at the early stage, will undermine the whole produce, and eventually eclipse users’ expectations.
  To conduct a proper user analysis can provide a foundation of producing creative ways to organize user tasks and work flows, and to design application user interfaces. Thus, a comprehensive and overall understanding of the users is to be attached to an extraordinary importance.
  User analysis is a great tool for organizations to choose the right SNS platform and demographic to advertise their products or services. Social networks allow a deeper bond and a communicational link between organizations and their clients.
  “Organizations make complete use of social media and social networking sites by creating their company’s profile and personal pages for marketing, launching and advertising their products and services to users. According to authors careful planning and research on using social media for non-profit organization can lead non-profit organization to great benefits; to achieve missions and to develop social links with their stakeholder.” (Humaira Dar, Asadullah Shah (2013))
  [1] 《大话社交网络》.郎为民.
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