我单位的韩国R290LC-3、R450LC-3挖掘机因CAPO主控制电脑板烧坏而出现故障,两机故障表现的共同特征是:发动机不能加速,导致机器不能进入正常运行状态。两机的微电脑控制电路示意图如附图所示。 1.R290LC-3挖掘机加速失灵 该机在运行过程中出?
My unit’s South Korea R290LC-3 and R450LC-3 excavators malfunction due to burnout of the CAPO main control computer board. The common feature of the two machine faults is that the engine cannot be accelerated and the machine cannot enter normal operation. Two machine microcomputer control circuit diagram as shown in the figure. 1. R290LC-3 excavator failure to accelerate the machine out of operation?