自杀病学是一门新兴的交叉学科 ,是研究自杀现象规律性的科学。研究自杀现象的目的在于预防自杀、控制自杀和对自杀作善后处理。 31年前 ,精神病学、心理学和社会学学者进行多学科的研究 ,创立了这门新的学科。美国施耐德曼起名为自杀学 ( Suicidology)。笔者根据自杀的疾病性质 ,译名为自杀病学。如同精神病学、神经病学、皮肤病学一样 ,西文都无病字 ,日文和中文都加上一个“病”字一样 ,并无标新立异之嫌 ,而且有点睛之实 ,“自杀病学”者 ,Suicidology也。
Suicide is a newly emerging interdisciplinary science that studies the regularity of suicidal phenomena. The purpose of studying suicide is to prevent suicide, control suicide and make good the aftermath of suicide. Thirty-one years ago, psychiatrists, psychologists and sociologists conducted multidisciplinary research and created this new discipline. Schneiderman was named Suicidology. The author according to the nature of suicide disease, translated as suicide. As in psychiatry, neurology and dermatology, there are no illnesses in the Western languages, neither the Japanese nor the Chinese are added to the word “sick” Suicidology also.