1955年,年仅39岁的肖华被授予上将军衔和一级八一勋章、一级独立自由勋章、一级解放勋章,成为共和国历史上最年轻的上将。肖华能文能武,是著名的儒将,一生留下了无数佳话,而他与妻子王新兰的爱情经历则更是耐人寻味。小镇黄昏 1937年7月7日,“卢沟桥事变”爆发,日本军国主义发动了罪恶的全面侵华战争,中国军民奋起抵抗,进入了全民族抗日战争阶段。8月中旬,国共双方达成红军改编为国民革命军第十八集团军(即第八路军)的协议。为此,中央军委决定在红军总部所
In 1955, only 39-year-old Xiao Hua was awarded the rank of general and a Bayi Medal, a medal of independence and freedom, a liberation medal, became the youngest general in the history of the Republic. Xiao Hua Nengwen Wu, is a famous Confucianism, life left countless stories, and his love story with his wife Wang Xinlan is even more intriguing. At dusk in the town On July 7, 1937, the “Lugouqiao Incident” broke out. Japanese militarists launched the evil war of all-out invasion of China. The Chinese military and civilians rose to the stage of the national anti-Japanese war. In mid-August, the KMT and the KMT reached an agreement on the adaptation of the Red Army to the 18th Army of the National Revolutionary Army (Eighth Route Army). To this end, the Central Military Commission decided to headquarters in the Red Army