一单元总体设想 (一)教学目标及设想本单元五篇课文都是写人的记叙文,记叙各有侧重,文章的主题也不一样,但五篇课文有一个共同点:思想性较强。因此,本单元教学要与近现代史教育、国情教育结合起来,通过课文的学习,启发学生热爱我们的祖国,热爱我们的人民,努力为人民服务,努力为建设四化掌握过硬本领。课文教学中,要强调写人的记叙文的一般写法,让学生掌握顺叙、倒叙、插叙等记叙方法。本单元教学可采用读、写结合的办法,在课文教学的基础上;要求学生写一篇记叙人物的记叙文。本单元教学课时十
A unit of the overall vision (a) teaching objectives and assumptions This unit five articles are written narrative, narrative has its own focus, the theme of the article is not the same, but five texts have one thing in common: strong ideological. Therefore, the teaching of this unit must be combined with modern history education and national conditions education. Through the study of texts, students are inspired to love our country, love our people, and work hard to serve the people, and strive to master the four skills to master the skills. In the teaching of texts, it is necessary to emphasize the general writing of narratives written by people, so that students can master the narrative methods such as Syria, flashbacks, and interludes. This unit can be taught using a combination of reading and writing, based on the teaching of the text; students are required to write a narrative describing the character. This unit teaching class ten