前言 工厂试验火炮历来是采用制式填砂弹进行的。因此,每年要消耗大量的钢铁和有色金属,花费大量资金。而且还要使用大面积靶场,占用农田与民争地。随着兵器工业的发展,不断建设新厂,矛盾日益突出,火炮试验模拟化问题急待解决。根据上级指示,我们自一九六四年就曾着手进行火炮试验模拟化的研究工作。模拟试验火炮可通过不同的途径,由于缺乏经验我们也走了一些弯路。后来又受到林彪和“四人邦”的干扰破坏,使此项研究工作困难重重,进展缓慢。
Preface The factory test artillery has always been the use of system filled sand bomb. Therefore, every year to consume a large amount of steel and non-ferrous metals, spend a lot of money. But also use a large area range, occupy farmland and civil dispute. With the development of the weapon industry, the continuous construction of new plants, contradictions have become increasingly prominent, artillery test simulation problems urgently need to be resolved. According to instructions from superiors, we conducted a study on the simulation of artillery trials since 1964. Simulation test artillery can be through different channels, due to lack of experience, we also take some detours. Later, it was disturbed and destroyed by Lin Biao and the “gang of four,” making the study difficult and slow to progress.