成人鼻腔横纹肌肉瘤少见,现将本院所遇1例报道如下。 患者男性,54岁。主诉:右侧鼻腔肿物一年多。初起时位于右侧鼻腔前部,手指尖可触及。肿物逐渐增大,致使整个鼻腔被堵塞,且外鼻部明显隆起变形。于1982年10月入院。检查见右侧鼻翼、鼻背部显著隆起,右鼻腔被暗红色肿物堵塞,鼻中隔被压而向左侧鼻腔移位,后鼻孔内缘亦可见暗红色之肿物。颈
Adult rhabdomyosarcoma of the nasal cavity is rare, and one case is reported in this hospital as follows. The patient male is 54 years old. Chief complaint: The right nasal cavity was more than a year old. At the beginning, it is located in the front of the right nasal cavity and the tip of the finger can be touched. As the mass increases, the entire nasal cavity is blocked and the outer nose is significantly raised and deformed. Admitted to hospital in October 1982. Examination revealed a pronounced bulge in the right side of the nose, nose and back. The right nasal cavity was blocked by a dark red mass. The nasal septum was compressed and shifted to the left nasal cavity. A dark red mass was also seen on the inner edge of the posterior nostril. neck