[摘要] 目的 探討超声引导下穿刺在假体周围抽取关节液的应用价值。 方法 将需行髋关节假体周围穿刺的病例随机分为A组和B组,A组为传统的C臂透视引导下穿刺,B组为超声引导下穿刺;同时将需行人工膝关节假体周围穿刺的病例随机分为C组和D组,C组为盲穿法,D组为超声引导下穿刺。每个病例记录是否取得关节液,获取关节液量,穿刺次数,关节液是否混有血液。 结果 在人工髋关节周围穿刺,A组8例患者中有3例穿刺获取关节液,成功率为37.5%,B组10例患者中9例穿刺获取关节液,成功率为90.0%;A组平均穿刺(4.8±1.2)次,B组平均穿刺(6.1±1.2) 次,两组对比有显著性差异(P<0.01);B组抽的关节液量(6.1±1.2)mL也较A组(2.4±0.4)mL多,两组对比有显著性差异(P<0.05)。膝关节组C组13例患者中有8例穿刺获取关节液,成功率为61.5%,D组11例患者中全部穿刺获取关节液,成功率为100.0%,两组对比具有显著性差异(P<0.01);C组平均穿刺(2.5±0.9)次,D组平均穿刺(6.1±1.2)次,两组对比有显著性差异(P<0.01);C组抽的关节液量(4.6±0.9)mL,也较D组(8.7.4±5.0)mL多,两组对比具有显著性差异(P<0.01)。 结论 超声引导下穿刺可作为人工关节周围穿刺获取关节液的首选方法。
[关键词] 超声;人工关节;假体感染;穿刺;关节液
[中图分类号] R445.1 [文献标识码] B [文章编号] 1673-9701(2018)18-0098-03
[Abstract] Objective To evaluate the value of ultrasound-guided puncture in the extraction of joint fluid around the prosthesis. Methods Randomly divided the cases that need to be punctured around hip prosthesis into group A and group B. Group A took the traditional C-arm fluoroscopy-guided puncture, and group B took the ultrasound-guided puncture; at the same time, the patients requiring peripheral puncture of artificial knee joints were randomly divided into groups C and D. C group took blind puncture, and group D was ultrasound-guided puncture. Each case records whether synovial fluid was obtained, the amount of fluid in the joint, the number of punctures and whether the synovial fluid was mixed with blood. Results Peripheral puncture was performed around the hip joint. Three of the eight patients in group A had punctures to obtain synovial fluid with a success rate of 37.5%. In group B, 10 of 10 patients had punctures to obtain synovial fluid with a success rate of 90.0%. The average puncture times in group A was(4.8±1.2)times, average puncture times in group B was(6.1±1.2), there was significant difference between the two groups(P<0.01); the amount of joint fluid(6.1±1.2) mL in group B was also higher than group A:(2.4)±0.4)mL, there was a significant difference between the two groups(P<0.05). Eight of 13 patients in group C of the knee group received puncture for synovial fluid with a success rate of 61.5%. All 11 patients in group D received puncture for synovial fluid with a success rate of 100.0%. There was a significant difference between the two groups(P<0.01). The average puncture in group C was(2.5±0.9) times, and the average puncture times in group D was(6.1±1.2)times. There was significant difference between the two groups(P<0.01); the amount of joint fluid extracted in group C was(4.6±0.9) mL. It was also more than group D(8.7.4±5.0)mL, there was a significant difference between the two groups(P<0.01). Conclusion Ultrasound-guided puncture can be used as the preferred method for obtaining joint fluids around the artificial joints. [Key words] Ultrasound; Artificial joints; Prosthesis infection; Puncture; Synovial fluid
人工关节置换术是治疗各种严重关节疾患的有效方法,但关节假体周围感染(periprosthetic joint infection,PJI)是关节置换手术严重的并发症之一[1],PJI在初次人工关节置换术后的发生率约1%~2%,在人工关节翻修术后的发生率约1%~10%[2-3]。因此,快速准确获取尽量多的关节液,对临床具有较大的指导意义。
1 资料与方法
1.1 一般资料
1.2 方法
(1)髋关节透视组在无菌室进行穿刺部位常规消毒铺巾,透视引导下行关节腔穿刺;超声组先行超声检查,发现液性暗区后,进行穿刺部位常规消毒铺巾,在其引导下抽取关节穿刺液(图1)。膝关节组对照组在无菌条件下,按照髌上囊、髌骨关节、髁间窝的顺序进行穿刺;超声组先行超声检查,在液性暗区进行穿刺(图2)。(2)取2 mL关节液以上标为成功(可以进行关节液常规检测项目),并把所得的标本进行关节液常规检查及普通细菌培养。每个病例记录是否取得的关节液,获取的关节液量,记录穿刺次数,关节液是否混有血液。有进行翻修手术的病例,打开关节囊时尽量抽留取关节液,并记录取得的量。
1.3 统计学方法
应用 SPSS version 10.0 软件(SPSS,Chicago,IL,USA)进行分析,计量资料以(x±s)表示,采用t检验,计数资料以[n(%)] 表示,采用χ2检验,P<0.05为差异有统计学意义。
2 结果
人工髋关节A组8例患者中有3例穿刺成功获取关节液,成功率为37.5%,B组10例患者中有9例穿刺成功获取关节液,成功率为90.0%,两组比较差异均有统计学意义(P<0.01); A组平均穿刺数为(4.8±1.2)次,B组平均穿刺数为(6.1±1.2) 次,两组比较差异均有统计学意义(P<0.01);B组抽的关节液量(6.1±1.2)mL也较A组(2.4±0.4)mL多(P<0.05)。A组穿刺成功获取关节液中有2例混有血液,B穿刺成功获取关节液中有5例混有血液,两组无统计学差异(P>0.05)。
人工膝关节C组13患者中有8例穿刺成功获取关节液,成功率61.5%,D组11例患者中全部穿刺获取关节液,成功率100.0%,两组比较差异均有统计学意义(P<0.01); C组平均穿刺(2.5±0.9)次,D组平均穿刺(6.1±1.2)次,两组比较差异均有统计学意义(P<0.01),C组穿刺获取的关节液量(4.6±0.9)mL,也较D组(8.74±3.01)mL少,两组比较差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05)。附人工髋关节假体周围穿刺示意图(图1)、人工膝关节假体周围穿刺示意图(图2)。
3 討论
传统行人工髋关节假体周围进行穿刺,通常在C臂透视指引下,细针进行多部位穿刺,如果无法抽取关节液,为了培养需要,甚至有采用注射生理盐水后,再抽取关节液送细菌培养[7]。穿刺抽液前通过超声检查,避开金属的散射,先检测关节假体周围积液的位置,再行穿刺,比较容易成功。我们发现健侧侧卧位时,人工髋关节术后的积液常积聚于髋关节假体后下,前方关节液较少,在假体的后内下穿刺抽液容易获得关节液。人工膝关节表面置换术后,超声检查显示关节液常积聚于髌上囊,手术中见积液除了髌上囊,髁间窝及胫股关节间隙也是关节液好积聚部位,但是因为髌骨及假体阻挡因素,超声无法探及,使用超声引导下穿刺可以准确到达髌上囊关节液体最深部位。 在人工髖关节组中,10例患者通过超声引导下穿刺有9例成功获取关节液,成功率为90.0%;而在传统C臂机引导下穿刺,8例患者仅有3例成功,成功率为37.5%;在人工膝关节组中,11例患者通过超声引导下穿刺全部成功获取关节液,成功率为100.0%。Balog TP等[8]学者在一组48例超声引导下髋关节穿刺中,有46例患者穿刺成功,成功率为96%[8-10]。因此,本研究建议在超声引导下行人工关节周围穿刺,可以提高关节液获取的成功率及提高安全性。
[1] Deirmengian C,Kardos K,Kilmartin P,et al.Combined measurement of synovial fluid α-defensin and C-reactive protein levels:Highly accurate for diagnosing periprosthetic joint infection[J].J Bone Joint Surg Am,2014,96(17):1439-1445.
[2] Tande AJ1,Patel R. Prosthetic Joint Infection[J].Clin Microbiol Rev,2014,27(2):302-345.
[3] Ahmad SS, Shaker A, Saffarini M,etal. Accuracy of diagnostic tests for prosthetic joint infection:A systematic review[J].Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc,2016,24(10):3064 -3074.
[4] Lazarou I,D’Agostino MA,Naredo E,et al. Ultrasound-guided synovial biopsy:A systematic review according to the OMERACT filter and recommendations for minimal reporting standards in clinical studies[J]. Rheumatology(Oxford),2015,54(10):1867-1875.
[5] Barrett L,Atkins B. The clinical presentation of prosthetic joint infection[J]. J Antimicrob Chemother,2014,69(Suppl 1):25-27.
[6] Chalmers PN,Walton D,Sporer SM,et al.Evaluation of the Role for Synovial Aspiration in the Diagnosis of Aseptic Loosening After Total Knee Arthroplasty[J]. J Bone Joint Surg Am,2015,97(19):1597-1603.
[7] Brandser EA1,El-Khoury GY,FitzRandolph RL. Modified technique for fluid aspiration from the hip in patients with prosthetic hips[J]. Radiology,1997,204(2):580-582.
[8] Balog TP,Blair B. Rhodehouse DO,et al.Accuracy of ultrasound-guided intra-articular hip injections performed in the orthopedic clinic[J]. Orthopedics,2017,40(2):96-100.
[9] Berbari E,Mabry T,Tsaras G,et al.Inflammatory blood laboratory levels as markers of prosthetic joint infection:a systematic review and meta-analysis[J].J Bone Joint Surg Am,2010,92(11):2102-2109.
[10] Parvizi J,Gehrke T.International consensus group on periprosthetic joint infection. Definition of periprosthetic joint infection[J].J Arthroplasty,2014,29(7):1331-1338.
[11] Ouyang Z,Li H,Liu X,et al. Prosthesis infection:diagnosis after total joint arthroplasty with three-phase bone scintigraphy[J]. Ann Nucl Med,2014,28(10):994-1003.
[12] Scher DM,Pak K,Lonner JH,et al. The predictive value of indium-111 leukocyte scans in the diagnosis of infected total hip,knee,or resection arthroplasties[J]. J Arthroplasty,2000,15(3):295-300.
[13] Baek SH.Identification and preoperative optimization of risk factors to preventperiprosthetic joint infection[J]. World J Orthop,2014,5(3):362-367.
[14] Tansey R,Mirza1 Y,Sukeik M,et al.Definition of periprosthetic hip and knee joint infections and the economic burden[J].Open Orthop J,2016,10(2):662-668.
[15] Pruzansky JS,Bronson MJ,Grelsamer RP,et al. Prevalence of modifiable surgical site infection risk factors in hip and knee joint arthroplasty patients at an urban academic hospital[J].J Arthroplasty,2014,29(2):272-276.
[关键词] 超声;人工关节;假体感染;穿刺;关节液
[中图分类号] R445.1 [文献标识码] B [文章编号] 1673-9701(2018)18-0098-03
[Abstract] Objective To evaluate the value of ultrasound-guided puncture in the extraction of joint fluid around the prosthesis. Methods Randomly divided the cases that need to be punctured around hip prosthesis into group A and group B. Group A took the traditional C-arm fluoroscopy-guided puncture, and group B took the ultrasound-guided puncture; at the same time, the patients requiring peripheral puncture of artificial knee joints were randomly divided into groups C and D. C group took blind puncture, and group D was ultrasound-guided puncture. Each case records whether synovial fluid was obtained, the amount of fluid in the joint, the number of punctures and whether the synovial fluid was mixed with blood. Results Peripheral puncture was performed around the hip joint. Three of the eight patients in group A had punctures to obtain synovial fluid with a success rate of 37.5%. In group B, 10 of 10 patients had punctures to obtain synovial fluid with a success rate of 90.0%. The average puncture times in group A was(4.8±1.2)times, average puncture times in group B was(6.1±1.2), there was significant difference between the two groups(P<0.01); the amount of joint fluid(6.1±1.2) mL in group B was also higher than group A:(2.4)±0.4)mL, there was a significant difference between the two groups(P<0.05). Eight of 13 patients in group C of the knee group received puncture for synovial fluid with a success rate of 61.5%. All 11 patients in group D received puncture for synovial fluid with a success rate of 100.0%. There was a significant difference between the two groups(P<0.01). The average puncture in group C was(2.5±0.9) times, and the average puncture times in group D was(6.1±1.2)times. There was significant difference between the two groups(P<0.01); the amount of joint fluid extracted in group C was(4.6±0.9) mL. It was also more than group D(8.7.4±5.0)mL, there was a significant difference between the two groups(P<0.01). Conclusion Ultrasound-guided puncture can be used as the preferred method for obtaining joint fluids around the artificial joints. [Key words] Ultrasound; Artificial joints; Prosthesis infection; Puncture; Synovial fluid
人工关节置换术是治疗各种严重关节疾患的有效方法,但关节假体周围感染(periprosthetic joint infection,PJI)是关节置换手术严重的并发症之一[1],PJI在初次人工关节置换术后的发生率约1%~2%,在人工关节翻修术后的发生率约1%~10%[2-3]。因此,快速准确获取尽量多的关节液,对临床具有较大的指导意义。
1 资料与方法
1.1 一般资料
1.2 方法
(1)髋关节透视组在无菌室进行穿刺部位常规消毒铺巾,透视引导下行关节腔穿刺;超声组先行超声检查,发现液性暗区后,进行穿刺部位常规消毒铺巾,在其引导下抽取关节穿刺液(图1)。膝关节组对照组在无菌条件下,按照髌上囊、髌骨关节、髁间窝的顺序进行穿刺;超声组先行超声检查,在液性暗区进行穿刺(图2)。(2)取2 mL关节液以上标为成功(可以进行关节液常规检测项目),并把所得的标本进行关节液常规检查及普通细菌培养。每个病例记录是否取得的关节液,获取的关节液量,记录穿刺次数,关节液是否混有血液。有进行翻修手术的病例,打开关节囊时尽量抽留取关节液,并记录取得的量。
1.3 统计学方法
应用 SPSS version 10.0 软件(SPSS,Chicago,IL,USA)进行分析,计量资料以(x±s)表示,采用t检验,计数资料以[n(%)] 表示,采用χ2检验,P<0.05为差异有统计学意义。
2 结果
人工髋关节A组8例患者中有3例穿刺成功获取关节液,成功率为37.5%,B组10例患者中有9例穿刺成功获取关节液,成功率为90.0%,两组比较差异均有统计学意义(P<0.01); A组平均穿刺数为(4.8±1.2)次,B组平均穿刺数为(6.1±1.2) 次,两组比较差异均有统计学意义(P<0.01);B组抽的关节液量(6.1±1.2)mL也较A组(2.4±0.4)mL多(P<0.05)。A组穿刺成功获取关节液中有2例混有血液,B穿刺成功获取关节液中有5例混有血液,两组无统计学差异(P>0.05)。
人工膝关节C组13患者中有8例穿刺成功获取关节液,成功率61.5%,D组11例患者中全部穿刺获取关节液,成功率100.0%,两组比较差异均有统计学意义(P<0.01); C组平均穿刺(2.5±0.9)次,D组平均穿刺(6.1±1.2)次,两组比较差异均有统计学意义(P<0.01),C组穿刺获取的关节液量(4.6±0.9)mL,也较D组(8.74±3.01)mL少,两组比较差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05)。附人工髋关节假体周围穿刺示意图(图1)、人工膝关节假体周围穿刺示意图(图2)。
3 討论
传统行人工髋关节假体周围进行穿刺,通常在C臂透视指引下,细针进行多部位穿刺,如果无法抽取关节液,为了培养需要,甚至有采用注射生理盐水后,再抽取关节液送细菌培养[7]。穿刺抽液前通过超声检查,避开金属的散射,先检测关节假体周围积液的位置,再行穿刺,比较容易成功。我们发现健侧侧卧位时,人工髋关节术后的积液常积聚于髋关节假体后下,前方关节液较少,在假体的后内下穿刺抽液容易获得关节液。人工膝关节表面置换术后,超声检查显示关节液常积聚于髌上囊,手术中见积液除了髌上囊,髁间窝及胫股关节间隙也是关节液好积聚部位,但是因为髌骨及假体阻挡因素,超声无法探及,使用超声引导下穿刺可以准确到达髌上囊关节液体最深部位。 在人工髖关节组中,10例患者通过超声引导下穿刺有9例成功获取关节液,成功率为90.0%;而在传统C臂机引导下穿刺,8例患者仅有3例成功,成功率为37.5%;在人工膝关节组中,11例患者通过超声引导下穿刺全部成功获取关节液,成功率为100.0%。Balog TP等[8]学者在一组48例超声引导下髋关节穿刺中,有46例患者穿刺成功,成功率为96%[8-10]。因此,本研究建议在超声引导下行人工关节周围穿刺,可以提高关节液获取的成功率及提高安全性。
[1] Deirmengian C,Kardos K,Kilmartin P,et al.Combined measurement of synovial fluid α-defensin and C-reactive protein levels:Highly accurate for diagnosing periprosthetic joint infection[J].J Bone Joint Surg Am,2014,96(17):1439-1445.
[2] Tande AJ1,Patel R. Prosthetic Joint Infection[J].Clin Microbiol Rev,2014,27(2):302-345.
[3] Ahmad SS, Shaker A, Saffarini M,etal. Accuracy of diagnostic tests for prosthetic joint infection:A systematic review[J].Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc,2016,24(10):3064 -3074.
[4] Lazarou I,D’Agostino MA,Naredo E,et al. Ultrasound-guided synovial biopsy:A systematic review according to the OMERACT filter and recommendations for minimal reporting standards in clinical studies[J]. Rheumatology(Oxford),2015,54(10):1867-1875.
[5] Barrett L,Atkins B. The clinical presentation of prosthetic joint infection[J]. J Antimicrob Chemother,2014,69(Suppl 1):25-27.
[6] Chalmers PN,Walton D,Sporer SM,et al.Evaluation of the Role for Synovial Aspiration in the Diagnosis of Aseptic Loosening After Total Knee Arthroplasty[J]. J Bone Joint Surg Am,2015,97(19):1597-1603.
[7] Brandser EA1,El-Khoury GY,FitzRandolph RL. Modified technique for fluid aspiration from the hip in patients with prosthetic hips[J]. Radiology,1997,204(2):580-582.
[8] Balog TP,Blair B. Rhodehouse DO,et al.Accuracy of ultrasound-guided intra-articular hip injections performed in the orthopedic clinic[J]. Orthopedics,2017,40(2):96-100.
[9] Berbari E,Mabry T,Tsaras G,et al.Inflammatory blood laboratory levels as markers of prosthetic joint infection:a systematic review and meta-analysis[J].J Bone Joint Surg Am,2010,92(11):2102-2109.
[10] Parvizi J,Gehrke T.International consensus group on periprosthetic joint infection. Definition of periprosthetic joint infection[J].J Arthroplasty,2014,29(7):1331-1338.
[11] Ouyang Z,Li H,Liu X,et al. Prosthesis infection:diagnosis after total joint arthroplasty with three-phase bone scintigraphy[J]. Ann Nucl Med,2014,28(10):994-1003.
[12] Scher DM,Pak K,Lonner JH,et al. The predictive value of indium-111 leukocyte scans in the diagnosis of infected total hip,knee,or resection arthroplasties[J]. J Arthroplasty,2000,15(3):295-300.
[13] Baek SH.Identification and preoperative optimization of risk factors to preventperiprosthetic joint infection[J]. World J Orthop,2014,5(3):362-367.
[14] Tansey R,Mirza1 Y,Sukeik M,et al.Definition of periprosthetic hip and knee joint infections and the economic burden[J].Open Orthop J,2016,10(2):662-668.
[15] Pruzansky JS,Bronson MJ,Grelsamer RP,et al. Prevalence of modifiable surgical site infection risk factors in hip and knee joint arthroplasty patients at an urban academic hospital[J].J Arthroplasty,2014,29(2):272-276.