The choice of the cross section of the power supply line is a practical problem often encountered in the design of lines and electricians. Coarse wire selection, resulting in waste, very uneconomical; wire thinner, can not meet the power supply quality and safety requirements, and therefore a reasonable choice of wire is very important. The choice of wire cross-section, the general should be based on mechanical strength, temperature rise allowed, voltage loss, cutoff and other principles to be set. As industrial and mining power supply lines are generally longer, often a few kilometers to tens of kilometers in length, so the wire cross-section should be the main choice of voltage loss conditions. Calculating the conductor cross-section with voltage loss is more complicated. In this case, it is more direct and simple to calculate the conductor cross-section according to the line allowable load moment (hereinafter referred to as the moment) in order to meet the allowable voltage drop and power factor of the line. When known line load and voltage