A novel constant degree and constant congestion DHT scheme for peer-to-peer networks

来源 :Science in China(Series F:Information Sciences) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hyh900
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Degree, diameter and congestion are important measures of distributed hash table (DHT) schemes for peer-to-peer networks. Many proposed DHT schemes are based on some traditional interconnection topologies and the Kautz graph is a topology with good properties such as optimal network diameter. In this paper, FissionE, a novel DHT scheme based on the Kautz graph, is proposed. FissionE is the first constant degree and O(logN) diameter DHT scheme with (1+o(1))-congestion. FissionE shows that the DHT scheme with constant degree and constant congestion can achieve O(logN) diameter, which is better than the lower bound ? (N1/d) conjectured before. The average degree of FissionE is 4 and the diameter is 2*log2N, and the average routing path length is about log2N. The average path length of FissionE is shorter than CAN or Koorde with the same degree when the P2P network is large scale. Degree, diameter and congestion are important measures of distributed-hash table (DHT) schemes for peer-to-peer networks. Many proposed DHT schemes are based on some traditional interconnection topologies and the Kautz graph is a topology with good properties such as optimal network diameter FissionE is the first constant degree and O (logN) diameter DHT scheme with (1 + o (1)) - congestion. FissionE shows that the DHT scheme with constant degree and constant congestion can achieve O (logN) diameter, which is better than the lower bound? (N1 / d) conjectured before. The average degree of FissionE is 4 and the diameter is 2 * log2N, and the average routing path length is about log2N. The average path length of FissionE is shorter than CAN or Koorde with the same degree when the P2P network is large scale.
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