一代伟人毛泽东不仅是中国革命和建设的最杰出的领导者,同时他的体育思想也是独领风骚、光耀千秋。 1 毛泽东青年时代,正是列强践踏瓜分神州的疯狂时期,殖民主义者给我民族扣了三顶“帽子”:“东亚病夫”、“五分钟热情”、“一盘散沙”。在帝国主义列强眼里,中国人身体不行,精神衰败,政治上缺乏凝聚力。面对帝国主义列强对中国主权的践踏和人格的侮辱,中国的有志青年,特别是毛泽东积极思考,大胆探索拯救中华民族的韬略。毛泽东用“二十八画生”之名,贴出了“征友启事”,遍寻素有救国大志的青年。当罗章龙应启函复,毛泽东则欣喜万分,提笔回函大加赞誉:“空谷足音、跫然色喜。”1915年,卖国贼袁世凯为了复辟称帝,不惜同日本帝国主义签订了出卖国家主权的“二十一条”,毛泽东悲愤填膺,奋笔题记:“5月7日,民国奇耻,
Mao Zedong, a great man of a generation, is not only the most outstanding leader in the Chinese revolution and construction, but his sports philosophy is also dominant and glorious. 1 In Mao Zedong’s youth, it was the crazy period when the powers trampled on and divides the Divine Divisions. The colonialists took three “hats” to our nation: “Sick Man of East Asia,” “Five-Minute Passion,” and “Dispersing Sands.” In the eyes of the imperialist powers, the Chinese are not physically fit, their spirit declines, and their political lacks cohesion. Confronted by the imperialist powers’ trampling on China’s sovereignty and their personality insults, aspiring young people in China, especially Mao Zedong, think hard and boldly explore the strategy of saving the Chinese nation. Mao Tse-tung posted the Signature Friends in the name of “28 Paintings” and searched for young people who had the ambition of saving the nation. When Luo Zhanglong opened a letter of reply, Mao Zedong was overjoyed and wrote a reply with a great deal of praise. “In 1915, traitorist Yuan Shikai signed a betrayal of national sovereignty with Japanese imperialism in 1915 to restore the emperor. Of the ”twenty-one“, Mao Zedong grievances, struggling inscription: ”May 7, the Republic of China shame,