Sarcoidosis is an unknown cause of multiple system diseases, the most common lung involvement, more than 90% of the patient’s chest X-ray showed abnormalities, the disease is divided into four stages: ① bilateral hilar lymph nodes; ② the first phase with the lungs Infiltration, ③ bilateral lung infiltration; ④ advanced pulmonary fibrosis and lung bulla formation. This article reports a rare group of 180 cases of sarcoidosis in lung performance. Thirteen cases of pleural involvement (pleural effusion in 8, pneumothorax in 5), pleural effusion lymphocytosis (3), increased protein (5 more than 4 g / 100 ml). Pleural effusion were less, mostly in 6 months to subside on their own. Two of the five patients with pneumothorax had thoracotomy and found that non-caseous granulomas extensively invaded the pleura. The occurrence of pneumothorax was associated with subpleural granuloma necrosis.