有资料表明,到2002年末,全国已出现800多座城市,建制镇达到20600个,城镇总人口增加到5.02亿。城市建设步伐的加快,也给传统的城市居委会管理模式带来了挑战。健全小城镇的管理和服务功能,加强社区精神文明建设显得更为重要。 一、提高小城镇居民素质是社区精神文明建设的使命
Statistics show that by the end of 2002, there were over 800 cities in the country, with 20,600 established towns, and the total urban population increased to 502 million. The accelerated pace of urban construction, but also to the traditional urban neighborhood management has brought challenges. It is even more important to improve the management and service functions of small towns and strengthen the construction of spiritual civilization in communities. First, to improve the quality of small town residents is the mission of community spiritual civilization