出生于宁夏银川的贾攀乐目前就职于美国常春藤联盟高校之一的康奈尔大学经济学系。在此之前,她工作于麻省理工学院的经济学系,截止到目前,依然是该校经济系教师中唯一的黄种人。2006年,毕业自耶鲁大学的贾攀乐凭借其求职论文(job market paper)《当沃尔玛走向城镇发生了什么:一项基于零售企业的实
Jia Pan was born in Yinchuan, Ningxia, currently working at the Department of Economics at Cornell University, one of the Ivy League colleges in the United States. Prior to this, she worked in the Department of Economics at MIT and, so far, remains the only yellow man in the department’s economics faculty. In 2006, JAPAN graduated from Yale University with its job market paper "What happened when Wal-Mart came to town: a reality based on retailers