高考语文的阅读鉴赏从2 0 0 1年起新增了“根据文章内容进行推断和想像”这一能力点,所谓的“推断”,就是由此及彼的联想、推理、判断。可见,联想是进行推断的前提,没有一定的联想,推断就无从下手。这就要求我们在阅读过程中要善于联想和想像。事实上,联想和想像始终贯穿在阅读
The reading and appreciation of the Chinese language of the college entrance examination has added the ability to “infer and imagine based on the content of the article” from 2001 onwards. The so-called “inference” is the association, reasoning, and judgment of the other. Visible, association is the premise of inference, there is no certain association, inference can not start. This requires us to be good at associating and imagining in the reading process. In fact, associations and imagination have always been read through.