Granulometric Analysis of Spots in DNA Microarray Images

来源 :基因组、蛋白质组与生物信息学报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:guyehanxing
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As the topological properties of each spot in DNA microarray images may vary from one another, we employed granulometries to understand the shape-size con tent contributed due to a significant intensity value within a spot. Analysis was performed on the microarray image that consisted of 240 spots by using concepts from mathematical morphology. In order to find out indices for each spot and to further classify them, we adopted morphological multiscale openings, which provided microarrays at multiple scales. Successive opened microarrays were subtracted to identify the protrusions that were smaller than the size of structuring element. Spot-wise details, in terms of probability of these observed protrusions,were computed by placing a regularly spaced grid on microarray such that each spot was centered in each grid. Based on the probability of size distribution functions of these protrusions isolated at each level, we estimated the mean size and texture index for each spot. With these characteristics, we classified the spots in a microarray image into bright and dull categories through pattern spectrum and shape-size complexity measures. These segregated spots can be compared with those of hybridization levels.
医学院校公共卫生硕士(master of public health,MPH)研究生培养过程中,存在研究生主观能动性不够、导师水平良莠不齐及培养过程监控不足等问题。究其原因,主要有MPH生源质量不高,
采用生长实验,以鱼粉为主要蛋白质来源,设计蛋白质含量(质量分数)分别为22 9%、28 3%、34 1%、39 4%、45 5%、51 3%和57 3%的7种饲料。以体重增重率为评价指标,求得全雄太阳