Synthesis and Tribological Properties of Graphene-Copper Nanoparticle Composites as Lithium Grease A

来源 :中国炼油与石油化工(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ZXYCHENLI
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In this paper, the graphene-copper nanoparticle composites (GN/Cu NPs) were prepared by in situ chemical reduction in aqueous solution. The influence of pH value and the concentration of PVP on the particle size and structure of the GN/Cu NPs as well as the element distribution were analyzed via the scanning electron microscopy (SEM), the transmission electron microscopy (TEM), the X-ray diffraction (XRD), and the energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS). The tribological properties of the grease with GN/Cu NPs composites have been studied by SRV-IV. It was found that compared to the base grease, the GN/Cu NPs composites could help to reduce the wear loss of the disk by 85.5% and the average friction coefficient by 15.5%. The test results clearly indicated that the addition of the GN/Cu NPs composites significantly enhanced the tribological properties of grease.
患者女 ,2 5岁 ,农民。第一胎顺产后6个月 ,患者于妊娠末期出现多食、消瘦、怕热、多汗 ,产后上述症状未见减轻。于1998年 3月 10日晨起时发现右眼视物模糊 ,右眼睑肿胀 ,右
从 1998年 3月~ 2 0 0 0年 3月 ,我们对15例急性及亚急性脓胸病人采用了微创扩清手术 (腋下小切口开胸及胸腔镜手术 )及术后胸腔引流持续药物溶液冲洗的综合治疗方法 ,效果满
患儿男 ,4岁。因发现心脏杂音 2个月而就诊 ,否认有先天性心脏病史。查体 :发育正常 ,口唇无紫绀 ,心脏无明显扩大 ,左侧胸骨旁第 4肋间闻及 3 / 6级收缩期杂音。X线检查提示
患者女,17岁,于2000年2月行甲状腺腺瘤切除术,术后恢复顺利,无切口感染等并发症,术后5 d拆线出院。同年5月开始,患者颈部手术切口左端发红,似有硬结,无疼痛及发热。后硬结逐渐扩展增
本刊讯 为切实做好全国“两会”期间无线电安全保障,维护良好的空中电波秩序和社会安全稳定,2019年2月20日至22日,黑龙江省工信厅无线电管理局在哈尔滨、大庆、齐齐哈尔三地
目的观察0.05%氟虫腈胶饵的灭蟑效果。方法对干休所受蟑螂侵害的食堂、办公室、老干部住户、卫生所等4个场所,在蟑螂栖息爬行处按0.1~0.3 g/点涂药。结果施药后7、28、45 d蟑
患者男,46岁。因车祸致颈部疼痛,右上肢抬高乏力1 d。于2000年5月29日入院。体检:颈肌紧张伸直,颈稍抵抗,C5~6处压痛,无放射痛,右肩关节不能外展上抬,肘关节屈曲受限,腕及指关节活动正
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