(一) 五十年代中期美国音系学界出现了新兴的生成音系学。与美国结构主义音位学(下面简称音位学)针锋相对,生成音系学强调从词形变化中观察语音的结构和规则,主张语音单位和规则的发现要综合考虑语音和语法的信息,力图找出能够解释、预见词形变化的普遍语音结构和规则。如果说音位学是把音系看作独立于词法、句法的区别性语音单位及其配列的系统;那
(A) The emergence of emerging phonology in the American phonology in the mid-1950s. Contrary to phonetics of structuralism in the United States (hereinafter referred to as phonetics), phonology emphasizes the structure and rules of phonetic observation of phonological changes, and advocates that the discovery of phonological units and rules should take into account the information of phonetics and grammar, Find common utterance structures and rules that explain and predict inflection. If phonetics is to regard phonology as a system that is distinct from the phonetic and syntactic distinctive phonetic units and their arrangement