Study on space environment of huizhou residential buildings bearing historical imprints

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  Abstract:Huizhou,known as Xin 'an in ancient times,has a history of more than 2,200 years since the Qin county was set up.Huizhou is multi-level,it is also static and dynamic,elegant and vulgar,with various cultured schools of Huizhou,is more extensive and profound.There are many ancient villages of large and small size in Huizhou.These traditional residential villages of Huizhou,which are largely left,form one of the most important architectural styles in China.In this paper,the laws of formal beauty in space environment such as symmetry and balance,proportion and scale,rhythm and rhythm,infiltration and hierarchy are analyzed to make the virtual space concrete.In addition,by studying the cultural artistic conception contained in the residential space,the traditional culture is brought into the form of space composition,from big to small,from virtual to real,and integrated.This paper studies the elements of the spatial environment of Huizhou residential buildings from different perspectives,summarizes the dominant factors affecting the spatial environment of residential buildings at different levels,and shows the feasibility of inheriting the spatial environment of modern residential buildings to the southern Anhui.Through the research of different ways,the paper tries to innovate and develop the form of Huizhou residential space,and further expand the artistic charm of residential space in breadth and depth,so that the traditional space environment can be inherited and developed in modern space.
  Keywords:cultured artistic conception,traditional residence,space environment,inheritance and development
  Huizhou is located in the southeast of Anhui province,the junction of Anhui,Jiangxi and Zhejiang provinces.It is a region with a long history and considerable stability and independence.Huizhou is located in the hills and mountains,with the Xin 'an river and its tributaries winding through,with the Huangshan mountain in the northwest running through the whole territory from northeast to southwest,and Tianmu mountain and Shishui in the southeast.It is surrounded by green water,surrounded by lush trees,and intermingled with mountains and river basins.The hilly area in the region occupies as much as nine tenths,and the area of the basin where more than half of the population lives takes up only one tenth,presenting a spatial pattern of "eight hills,half water,half land,one road and manor".Due to the regional influence,the cultivated land area of Huizhou area is relatively small,which cannot meet the excessive food demand.Therefore,Huizhou people use the characteristics of topography to grow tea on the mountain or leave their hometown for business,which is the origin of earlier Huizhou merchants.Huizhou merchants' splendid clothing and brocade returned home to build houses and houses,and brought back the architectural model in the central plains combined with the local regional environment,thus forming the world treasure -- Huizhou architecture.The residential space environment of hui-style architecture has unique symbiosis with the natural environment,which reflects the humanistic concept of "the integration of man and nature" in Huizhou,and also forms its unique cultural texture.   The architectural form of Huizhou folk house is the style and layout of the "Ganlan style" architecture and the "courtyard courtyard" architecture in the south of China.The exterior is enclosed and compact,and each house is flanked by horse head walls high above the roof and ridge.Many houses along with the relief of the terrain,from afar,forming a patchwork,magnificent space groups.All the residential buildings in China have their unique contour lines.By analyzing the characteristics of the spatial environment of Huizhou residential buildings,the detailed spatial environment is gradually outlined.Huizhou folk dwellings have good adaptability to the geographical conditions and environmental climate of Huizhou region,showing clear regional characteristics.The advantages of traditional residential buildings such as energy saving,ecological environment protection and sustainable development are reflected in architectural design,construction practices and space treatment technologies.
  The internal configuration of Huizhou residential buildings is mainly due to the rainy and watery area in southern Anhui.From the perspective of geomantic omen,water is money,so it is indispensable to apply this geomantic omen theory when building houses.Therefore,when the houses were built,the roof was incline inward and sloped with a single slope.
  There are many types of space environment in Chinese traditional residential houses,but the space environment is different due to the different influencing factors.The unique Huizhou culture and ethics and moral concepts influenced by Confucianism were introduced into the space form successively,trying to outline a complete space form of the space environment of Huizhou residential buildings,and at the same time explore the scientific and artistic aesthetic value significance of the elements of the space environment of Huizhou residential buildings.
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