闪存式PMP活到今天也够不容易的,虽说支持扩展卡,但在视频播放这一块儿,不论是屏幕表现还是内存容量跟硬盘式PMP都没法儿比。不过,“东边不亮西边亮”,咱可以在别的功能上想想办法, 先是给自己加了只眼睛(摄像头),好像感觉还不错,现在再把游戏融合进来,没得看但咱有得玩、有得拍,也算不错啊!
Flash-based PMP is not easy to live today, although support for expansion cards, but in the video playback this piece, both the screen performance or memory capacity with the hard disk-type PMP can not match. However, “the east does not light up the west,” we can think of something else on the other functions, first add ourselves to the eyes (camera), it seems not bad, and now the game merged in, but we do not have to see To play, have shot, not bad ah!