陕西工业发展、变化与国家经济建设重心变迁紧密相关。 1 95 3— 1 975年国家强力度的投资和大规模的工业建设 ,使陕西工业“跳跃”式地进入现代工业化 ,使以现代工业为主体的陕西经济结构得以完善。 1 979年国家投资重心东移以及经济管理体制的根本性变化 ,并没有减弱陕西经济发展的势头 ,改革开放同样也给予陕西工业结构重新组合的历史契机。 2 0世纪末 ,中国西部大开发战略的提出 ,使陕西工业发展迎来了又一次新的历史机遇。
The industrial development and changes in Shaanxi are closely related to the changes in the center of gravity of the national economic construction. The strong state investment and large-scale industrial construction in 1975 led Shaanxi industries to “jump” into modern industrialization and perfected the Shaanxi’s economic structure with modern industry as the mainstay. The fundamental shift of the center of gravity of the national investment in 1979 and the fundamental change in the economic management system did not weaken the momentum of economic development in Shaanxi. The reform and opening up also gave the historic opportunity to reorganize the industrial structure in Shaanxi. At the end of the 20th century, the formulation of the strategy for the great development of western China brought another new historical opportunity to the industrial development in Shaanxi.