目前,一般认为整夜多导睡眠检测仪(PSG)是阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停低通气综合征(OSAHS)诊断的金标准,但由于设备昂贵,检查程序复杂、对技术人员的要求太高等因素,限制了其临床的普及性及实用性。近年来,便携式睡眠检测仪(PMD)在临床的运用越来越受到重视,就便携式睡眠检测仪对OSAHS诊断价值的最新研究进展做一综述。“,”As we know,in-laboratory polysomnography (PSG)is considered to be a gold standard for diagnosis of OS-AHS,however,because of the expensive equipments and the complex inspection procedure,as well as the high requirements for technical staff have limited its clinical usefulness and popularity.In recent years,portable monitor device (PMD)attracts more and more attention in clinic.This article is to review the diagnostic value of PMD for OSAHS.