
来源 :语文教学与研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wisdomroc
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何谓“创新作文”?笔者将其定义为:创新作文是指打破传统作文模式,打破条条框框的束缚,打破作文内容上的虚假空泛、情感上的为文造情、结构上的程式化套式化、语言上的苍白乏味、自由自在地抒写、表达作者内心感受的作文。那些取材鲜活、感情真挚、视角独特、见解深刻、写法新颖、语言别具一格的作文就是创新作文。一、引导想像,激发创新潜能 What is “innovative composition”? The author defines it as follows: Innovative composition refers to breaking the traditional composition model, breaking the constraints of the rules, breaking the false empty content in the composition, emotional sentiment, structural stylization The idioms are pale and boring in language, free to write and express the author’s inner feelings. Those essays that are fresh, lively, with a unique perspective, profound insights, novel writing styles, and unique language are innovation essays. First, guide imagination, stimulate innovation potential
<正> 明初洪武永乐年间,政治局势经历了大变动之后趋于稳定。经济也日益在这种稳定的环境中发展起来,“洪、永、熙、宣之际,百姓充实,府藏衍溢”①。以此为基础,在发展对外关