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The release kinetics of the cardiac specific troponin T (cTnT), measured by an immunosorbent assay, in 32 patients with acute myocardial infarction (AMI) was evaluated. In 8 AMI patients (25%), the release kinetics of serum cTnT showed biphasic serum concentration curves with a large peak at 10 to 18 hours after onset and the serum cTnT concentrations were up to 30 to 120 times of the normal upper limit-detected (0.2 μg / ml), and another samll cTnT peak at 70 to 100 hours after onset of pain. The serum cTnT measurements in the remaining 24 AMI patients (75%) gave only one large peak which was around 32 to 108 hours after onset of pain. cTnT appeared in serum as early as 3 to 4 hours and remained elevated until 240 hours after the infarctions. The results indicated that (1) cTnT was a sensitive and specific marker of AMI; (2) the biphasic curve of cTnT releae in general, the ratio of cTnT at around 14 to 32 (14/32)>1 in particular, may be a useful marker suggesting early reperfusion; (3) the continuous The release kinetics of the cardiac specific troponin T (cTnT), measured by an immunosorbent assay, in 32 patients with acute myocardial infarction (AMI) was evaluated. In 8 AMI patients (25%), the release kinetics of serum cTnT showed biphasic serum concentration curves with a large peak at 10 to 18 hours after onset and the serum cTnT concentrations were up to 30 to 120 times of the normal upper limit-detected (0.2 μg / ml), and another samll cTnT peak at 70 to 100 hours after The serum cTnT measurements in the remaining 24 AMI patients (75%) gave only one large peak which was around 32 to 108 hours after onset of pain. cTnT appeared in serum as early as 3 to 4 hours and the restored elevated until 240 hours after the infarctions. The results indicated that (1) cTnT was a sensitive and specific marker of AMI; (2) the biphasic curve of cTnT releae in general, the ratio of cTnT at around 14 to 32 (14/32)> 1 in particular, may be a useful marker suggesting early reperfusion; (3) the continuous
摘 要: 初中英语教学容易出现学生学习状况的两极分化现象。教师应根据学生的差异性进行分层教学,因材施教。为了保护部分学生的自尊心和自信心,调动他们的学习积极性,教师可以采用隐性分层教学的方法,也就是在同一班级中进行学生分层、教师对学生的情感分层、教学目标分层、作业分层等,使不同层次的学生在合作学习中体验成功,发挥潜能,获得最大限度的发展,从而达到优化课程结构、提高教学效率的目的。  关键词: 初中
教学过程(一)Before-reading1.热身复习教师展示一名同学儿时的照片,让其他同学猜测是谁,直至得到正确答案后,与照片上的学生进行对话:T:How old were you in the photo?S1:I
本文运用数理方法 Schwarz- Christoffel变换计算彩色交流等离子体显示板列电极之间的电位分布 ,分析与该分布有关的参数 ,讨论与光串扰、辉光扩展等影响显示质量指标的关系
本文利用聚甲醛链的键长涨落模型 ,研究了聚甲醛单链的玻璃化转变 .聚甲醛单链的键平均能量随温度增加而增加 ,比热在玻璃化转变温度 Tg 附近发生突变 ,同时发现 Tg 与链长 N
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