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  May 4th 1948
  I quite often look back at the pleasures and pains of youth—love, jealousy, recklessness, vanity—without forgetting their 1)spell but no longer desiring them. While middle-aged ones like music, places, botany, conversation seem to be just as enjoyable as those wilder ones, in which there was usually some potential anguish lying in wait, like a bee in a flower. I hope there may be further surprises 2)in store, and on the whole do not fear the advance into age…
  May 5th 1948
  Ralph went to the dentist. I have sprained my ankle so can’t go with him but as the years pass I hate being parted from him even for an hour or so. I feel only half a person by myself, with one arm, one leg and half a face.
  Warmer, softer, sweeter day: the birds sing very loudly and the 3)pollarded trees on the road to 4)Hungerford station seem to be holding little bunches of 5)greenery in their 6)fists.
  November 28th 1960
  Last night before dinner I missed Ralph for a while. For the thousandth time I wondered, “Is he all right? Could he perhaps be feeling ill?” Usually after the first panic and wild 7)wobblings on my base, my 8)equilibrium has been restored. This time, however, I felt it was odd that he should be in the library at this cold evening hour. I ran upstairs and found him lying down. No, he was not all right. Going through the kitchen to look at the stove, he had suddenly felt a constriction in the chest. He took a pill and then another, but remained limp and drowsy, wanting no food and unable to face the company. I am, in a 9)spurious way, so armoured against these 10)set-backs that a dreadful 11)unearthly calm settled down on me, partly to make me able to face his dread of my “fussing”. But along with this grey 12)tristesse was the awareness of a huge 13)crater opening, black and menacing. Paralysed in mind and hardly able to talk, I went downstairs and cooked dinner and somehow sketched in a part in the conversation until the meal was over, when I was able to go up and lie beside Ralph.
  This moring he swears he is better, but is in no great hurry to get up. We must “greet the unknown” with all possible commonsense, but I am full of doubts which I can’t voice to him.
  November 29th 1960
  Throughout yesterday I sank slowly into the 14)pit, as it became gradually clear to me that “something or other” did happen in the stove-room
  on Sunday night. Ralph was 15)comatose and fighting a desperate 16)rearguard action against admitting himself ill. He becomes furious (frighteningly so, because it is bad for him) if I treat him as such, and I identify myself so completely with him that the difficulty of overriding the line he decided to take was almost 17)unsuperable…
  November 30th 1960
  But last night was much worse than my fears. I dropped into exhuasted sleep. But soon awoke and listened to Ralph’s struggling breathing for four hours, while the clock snailed round its course. But why describe such agony? We are both alive this morning—that’s all I can say.
  Morning calls to Red-beard and Geoff, but I have 18)antagonised him, I see. There is something so 19)futile about him, and I couldn’t bear the snobbish reluctance he showed to get into touch with the 20)cardiologist who unfortunately happens to be a lord. Yet to some extent we depend on him, and I try to 21)choke back my horror that this little 22)mannikin should be relevant to the health and safety of my darling Ralph. I 23)pressed on, screaming silently from every 24)cranny of my brain, until I got him to arrange for the lordly cardiologist to come tomorrow. Geoff seemed to take things more seriously when I described Ralph’s breathing. It seems that he took tow sleeping pills while I dozed last night, one seeming insufficient, and Geoff thought this might have affected his breathing. He has recommended a new sort for tonight. I dashed in to Hungerford to get them. Not availabe. I have ordered them to be brought out by taxi from 25)Newbury, and we have got them now.
  Ralph does seem a little better this evening and with more appetite for his supper. He even read more. I went downstairs while he was eating, and listened to
  26)Berlioz’s Symphonjie Fantastique on the wirelss without much pleasure. I left Ralph a walking-stick to 27)bang on the floor if he wanted me—I never expected to hear, nor shall I ever forget that dreadful “thump, thump, thump”.
  December 1st 1960
  Now I am absolutely alone and for ever.



So natural is our capacity for rhythm that most of us take it for granted: when we hear music, we tap our feet to the 2)beat or rock and sway, often unaware that we are even moving. But this instinct
沙特阿拉伯以丰富得惊人的石油资源闻名世界,有“石油王国”、“沙漠超级富国”之称。沙特也是世界上“寄生性富裕”模式最典型的国家之一。所谓“寄生性富裕”,指的是这些国家靠出售自然资源获得别国创造的财富。石油是天然资源,也是暴利资源,以沙特为代表的不少中东国家都走着类似的致富道路。  既然是“寄生性”,沙特的富裕就有它致命的“硬伤”。石油是沙特的立国之本,致富之源。如果到了石油枯竭,或是人类成功找到替代
My best friend has long blond hair, big brown eyes and somewhat large ears. She is definitely short, about two feet tall. My best friend is my Golden Retriever, Sadie. She has filled the last nine yea
I’m not ashamed. I like my job. I mean, it isn’t my life’s passion, but somehow I manage to have fun with it. I enjoy meeting new people, and sometimes I am fortunate enough to learn something interes
当我第一次见到你时,我们都还很年轻  我闭上眼,往事开始在我脑海里一幕幕回放  炎炎夏日,我站在阳台上    看着一盏盏的灯,看着派对和舞会礼服  看见你穿过拥挤的人群跟我打招呼  我一点也不知道    你就是罗密欧,在扔小石子呼唤我  我爸爸说:“离朱丽叶远点。”  我在楼梯上哭了,求你不要离开    *我说  罗密欧,带我去一个我们能独处的地方  我会等待的,现在能做的只有逃跑了  你会成为王
如果你的真命天子迟迟未到  如果你沮丧时需要一个人在身边  如果你独自一人,在等待爱的滋润  如果你打电话给朋友却没人在家  在暴风雨来临的孤独夜晚  你可以逃离但不能躲藏  我告诉你,一切都是命中注定  生命中最美好的东西,都会自来自去    *但如果你想哭泣  就在我肩上哭泣  如果你需要别人的关怀  如果你感到悲伤,心也变得更冰冷  是的,我会让你感受到真爱的力量*    如果你的天空阴沉,
Everyone has the same basic needs and emotions. We must put aside our differences and come together as one in peace, understanding and tolerance.  —Susan Polis Schutz    We Need to Feel More    We nee
I couldn’t believe what I had just heard! Hands 1)cupped around his mouth so his words wouldn’t travel to the ears of eavesdroppers, and 2)flipping his head from shoulder to shoulder to ensure no one
记得念初一时,一位同时教我和弟弟英语的老师曾很困惑地问我:“你和你弟怎么那么不同?简直一个天,一个地。你读书那么认真,又不好动,你弟却活蹦乱跳的,整天玩,一点都不喜欢读书。”回到家把话转给妈妈听,弟弟倒在一旁机灵地插话:“那不就好咯,我们家文武双全嘛。”哈哈,听来好像也很有道理。^_^  从没想过出生顺序还能与个性、命运搭上关系,直到读到这篇文章,嘿嘿,有意思。文章还讲到一个现象,国外的父母往往对
I am one of those men who likes to live 2)on the edge. By that I mean that I do not fill my   3)pickup with gasoline until the needle of the fuel gauge has dipped well into the red area. The red, of c