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富兰克林·罗斯福政府实行“新政”期间,曾经出现过一场著名的总统与联邦最高法院的斗争。斗争的过程大体如下。从1935年1月到1936年6月,美国联邦最高法院在一系列案件中,判决罗斯福政府1933年以来为克服空前严重经济危机所制订的“新政”立法违反宪法,因而无效。1936年11月,罗斯福在总统竞选中以比1932年更大优势取得胜利后,感到“新政”已为美国大多数选民所接受,于是在1937年2月5日向国会提出一个改组法院的法案,规定已任职10年或10年以上的联邦法官年满70岁尚 During the Franklin Roosevelt administration’s “New Deal,” there was a battle between the famous president and the Supreme Court of the United States. The process of the fight is generally as follows. From January 1935 to June 1936, the Supreme Court of the United States was invalid in a series of cases in which it ruled that the “New Deal” legislation passed by the Roosevelt administration since 1933 to overcome the unprecedented severe economic crisis was unconstitutional. In November 1936, after Roosevelt won the presidential race with greater advantages than in 1932, he felt that the “New Deal” has been accepted by most voters in the United States. Therefore, on February 5, 1937, a reorganization court was proposed to Congress Act, which provides that a federal judge who has served 10 years or more has attained the age of 70