这是一幢面积不大(几千平方米)、高度也不高(8层、5层、3层)的小建筑,但它却是一座很难设计的建筑物。因为,它是广州地铁一号、二号线的交会点,又位于闹市之中,从建筑性质上讲,是很重要的交通设施,有着许多不利于设计建造的条件:用地是长120m、宽却只有12m 的沿街狭长
This is a small building (a few thousand square meters) and not high (8th, 5th and 3rd floors), but it is a very hard to design building. Because it is the intersection of Guangzhou Metro Line 1 and Line 2, and is located in downtown, it is an important transport infrastructure from the nature of construction. There are many conditions not conducive to design and construction: the land is 120m long and wide But only 12m long and narrow streets