法国最知名的百货公司即将落户北京西单早已成为“奢侈品”代名词的老佛爷百货如今二度来华,是否会重蹈覆辙?对于迷恋奢侈品和渴望前往巴黎疯狂购物的人,“老佛爷”(Lafayette)三个字可谓如雷贯耳。这家位于奥斯曼大道的百货公司是法国人流量第二大的地方——仅次于埃菲尔铁塔。每年有800万游客光临这家百货公司,因为这里云集了路易·威登、香奈儿、普拉达、巴宝莉等诸多奢侈品品牌。这里也是中国游客最热衷的购物场所,其意义也已超出了一个商场。今后,中国消费者可以不用远赴重洋也能到老佛爷百货逛逛了,因为在北京西单,老佛爷的中国旗舰店预计将于201 3年开业。该项目建筑面积约48000平方米,投资总额3600万美元(1美元约合6.5元人民币,据称,该店将延续法国老佛爷一贯的华丽装修风格。
The most famous department store in France is about to settle in Beijing Xidan has already become a “luxury brand” Galeries Lafayette department store is now coming to China for the second time, will repeat the mistakes? For those who are obsessed with luxury goods and are eager to go shopping in Paris, Galeries Lafayette The words “(Lafayette)” can be described as eloquent. This department store on the Ottoman Boulevard is the second largest traffic in France - after the Eiffel Tower. Every year, 8 million visitors visit this department store because it is home to luxury brands such as Louis Vuitton, Chanel, Prada and Burberry. It is also the most popular shopping place for Chinese tourists and its significance has exceeded a shopping mall. In the future, Chinese consumers can visit the Galeries Lafayette department without going to heavy oceans, because the Chinese flagship store in Xidan and Lafayette Beijing is expected to open in 2013. The construction area of the project is about 48,000 square meters, with a total investment of 36 million US dollars (1 US dollar is about 6.5 yuan, it is said that the store will continue the magnificent decoration style of the French Lafayette.