伊拉克共和国(The Re-public of Iraq)位于西亚阿拉伯半岛东北部,面积43.82平方公里。人口2040万(1995年),阿拉伯人占79%,余为库尔德人、土耳其人等。官方语言为阿拉伯语和库尔德语,通用英语。96%的居民信伊斯兰教。首都巴格达,人口391万。国土大部分为美索不达米亚平原,海拨不足百米。西南部是阿拉伯高原的一部分,东北部是山地。幼发拉底河和
The Re-public of Iraq is located in the northeastern part of the western Arabian Peninsula, covering an area of 43.82 square kilometers. The population of 20.4 million (1995), the Arabs accounted for 79%, more than Kurds, Turks and so on. The official languages are Arabic and Kurdish, General English. 96% of residents believe in Islam. The capital, Baghdad, has a population of 3.9 million. Most of the territory of Mesopotamia plain, less than 100 meters altitude. The southwest is part of the Arabian plateau and the northeast is the mountain. Euphrates and