近日,悉尼國际会议中心启用了新建的“媒体演播室”——一个专门用来提供录播、直播以及其他数字化会展服务的演播设施。该演播室将由会议中心专业化的音像团队来负责操作,为客户提供定制化的数字会展服务。在2020年,该团队成功执行了超过200多场线上以及混合会展活动。会议中心音像服务部总监Brian Nash表示,基于此前良好的客户反馈和使用率,场馆非常自豪地推出了这一专门的演播室。
ICC Sydney installs media studio
International Convention Centre Sydney (ICC Sydney) has launched a Media Studio – a dedicated permanent studio space offering broadcast recording services, live streaming and digital event solutions. ICC Sydney’s Media Studio features green screen technology which allows for visual integration of presenters into customisable background content. The new facility and services will be delivered by the venue’s expert Audio Visual and ICT teams who have executed more than 200 broadcast and hybrid events in the last 12 months including Online Retailer Fusion 2020, MEALIVE Awards, Stand Tall 2020 and ATA Live. ICC Sydney Director of Audio Visual Services Brian Nash said the venue is proud to expand its audio visual product suite following positive client feedback and uptake.
ICC Sydney installs media studio
International Convention Centre Sydney (ICC Sydney) has launched a Media Studio – a dedicated permanent studio space offering broadcast recording services, live streaming and digital event solutions. ICC Sydney’s Media Studio features green screen technology which allows for visual integration of presenters into customisable background content. The new facility and services will be delivered by the venue’s expert Audio Visual and ICT teams who have executed more than 200 broadcast and hybrid events in the last 12 months including Online Retailer Fusion 2020, MEALIVE Awards, Stand Tall 2020 and ATA Live. ICC Sydney Director of Audio Visual Services Brian Nash said the venue is proud to expand its audio visual product suite following positive client feedback and uptake.