文冠果(Xanthoceras sorbifolia Bunge)为我国特有经济树种,也是我国北方地区的一个重要木本油料树种。但是文冠果的栽培仅有10余年的历史,由于长期处于野生状态,缺乏科学的选育工作,目前栽培的植株都是天然杂交种,遗传性很不稳定,树势和产量相差悬殊。为给文冠果育种工作提供有关细胞学方面的基础资料,我们从1979年开始对文冠果染色体组型(目前尚属空白)进行了分析研究,所得结果介绍如下。一、试验材料和方法试验用文冠果花蕾采自内蒙古自治区哲里木盟大林文冠果林场。树龄10年生。试验用文
Xanthoceras sorbifolia Bunge, an endemic economic tree in China, is also an important woody oilseed species in northern China. However, the cultivation of Xanthoceras sorbifolia has only 10 years of history. Due to the long time in the wild and the lack of scientific breeding, the cultivated plants are all natural hybrids. The heredity is very unstable and there is a great difference between the tree vigor and the yield. In order to provide basic information about cytology to the breeding work of Xanthoceras sorbifolia, we analyzed and analyzed the genomics of Xanthoceras sorbifolia from 1979. The results are as follows. First, the test materials and methods of test Wen Guanghua buds were collected from Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region Jeremy Lin Darwin tree forest. Tree age 10 years old. Test article