涂通今,福建省长汀县人,是我国军事医学界著名神经科专家,是共和国将军中有名的将军博士。在采访涂老的过程中,涂老讲述了他一生中颇为值得骄傲的几件事,一是在神经外科方面的突出贡献,一是从事医学教学与实践,培养了许多学生,再者就是他与夫人王黎那浪漫动人的爱情故事。 那是1939年10月,还是延安医科大学一队学员的涂通今,认识了刚从抗日前线学习西药返校的女学员河南姑娘王黎。王黎的出现一下拨动了25岁的涂通今心灵深处的爱情之弦,那年王黎19岁,
Tu Tong today, Changting County, Fujian Province, is China’s military and medical experts in the Department of Neurology, is a famous general in the Republic of Dr.. In the process of interviewing Tu Lao, Tu Lao recounted a few things that he was quite proud of in his life. One was his outstanding contribution in neurosurgery. One was to engage in medical teaching and practice, cultivate many students, and secondly, His romantic love story with his wife, Wang Li. It was October 1939, or a group of Yan’an Medical University students Tu Tongjin, met just returned from the anti-Japanese women studying in Western medicine female student Wang Li in Henan Province. The appearance of Wang Li turned a 25-year-old Tu Tong through the heart of love this chord, that year Wang Li 19 years old,