目的研究新疆维吾尔自治区双翅目蠓科志。方法采用帐诱法、网捕法、畜诱法、灯诱法和文献资料收集蠓种。结果报道了新疆双翅目蠓科昆虫小志,记述了双翅目蠓科(Ceratopogonidae)4亚科10属106种,其中细蠓亚科(Leptoconopinae)1属,即细蠓属(Leptoconops Skuse)17种;毛蠓亚科(Dasyheleinae)1属,即毛蠓属(Dasyhelea Kieffer)16种;铗蠓亚科(Forcipomyiinae)3属,即裸蠓属(Atrichopogon Kieffer)1种,铗蠓属(Forcipomyia Meigen)8种和蠛蠓属(LasioheleaKieffer)2种;蠓亚科(Ceratopogoninae)5属,即库蠓属(Culicoides Latreille)48种,短蠓属(Brachypogon Kieffer)4种,贝蠓属(Bezzia Kieffer)8种,须蠓属(Palpomyia Meigen)和塞蠓属(Mallochohelea Wirth)各1种。结论为新疆双翅目蠓科的进一步研究与防控提供了科学依据。
Aim To study the science of Diptera in Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region. Methods Induction method, net catching method, animal husbandry method, light luring method and literature collection data. Results A total of 106 species belonging to 10 genera and 4 subfamilies of the family Diptera, Ceratopogonidae, were reported in Xinjiang, including 1 genus Leptoconopinae (Leptoconops Skuse) 17 species of the genus Dasyheleinae, 16 species of the genus Dasyhelea Kieffer, 3 genera of the genus Forcipomyiinae, 1 species of Atrichopogon Kieffer, Meigen and LasioheleaKieffer, 48 species of Culicoides Latreille, 4 species of Brachypogon Kieffer, 5 species of Ceratopogoninae, 3 species of Bezzia Kieffer, 8 species, 1 species each from Palpomyia Meigen and Mallochohelea Wirth. The conclusion provided a scientific basis for further research and prevention and control of Dipteraceae in Xinjiang.