In the context of the littlest Higgs (LH) model, we estimatc the production cross section of the process e~-γ→e~-H in the future high-energy linear e~+e~- collider (IL C) with the center-of-mass (CM) energy S~(1/2)=500 GeV.Our numerical results show that the contributions of the LH model to this process are very small in most of the parameter space allowed by the electroweak precision measurement data, and are very difficult to be detected in the future ILC experiments.
In the context of the littlest Higgs (LH) model, we estimatc the production cross section of the process e ~ -γ → e ~ -H in the future high-energy linear e ~ + e ~ collider (IL C) with the center-of-mass (CM) energy S ~ (1/2) = 500 GeV.Our numerical results show that the contributions of the LH model to this process are very small in most of the parameter space allowed by the electroweak precision measurement data , and are very difficult to be detected in the future ILC experiments.