A Brief Analysis on Classroom Questioning and Implications for Teachers

来源 :校园英语·下旬 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kaji2009
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  【Abstract】In English teaching, classroom questioning accounts for a large proportion in EFL classroom, also is the concern of the majority of English teachers. The thesis aims to give teachers some implications by analyzing classroom questioning from different types of lessons. Classroom questioning is one of the most important parts of teaching activities, so teachers should adopt multiple questions and pay attention to the angles of questioning to improve teaching efficiency.
  【Key words】classroom questioning; English classroom; types of lessons; implications
  1. Introduction
  Today under the environment of promoting quality education, to cultivate students’ ability of language communication gradually becomes the core significance of English teaching. It requires teachers to abandon traditional teaching methods in the past, and to make students learn in entertainment through well-designed classroom. Moreover, classroom questioning are a key link. Good questions are able to attract students’ attention, and to exercise students’ listening and speaking skills and English thinking ability to improve classroom efficiency.
  Classroom questioning has been regarded as the core of effective teaching, and it is essentially the exchange between teachers and students, and among students themselves. Nowadays, as the curriculum reform continues to step into in-depth, more classroom questioning comes into being. Students are main parts in class, and if teachers ask questions appropriately in the light of different levels of students, according to different teaching contents, especially difficult points and important points in textbooks, thus can shorten teacher-student distance and make classroom atmosphere active.
  2. The Definition of Classroom Questioning
  According to Collins English Dictionary (6th Edition), questioning is defined as “being intellectually stimulated or being enthusiastic or eager for philosophical or other investigations”. In Oxford Advanced Learner’s English-Chinese Dictionary (7th Edition), questioning is conceptualized as “the activity of asking somebody questions”.
  Sinclair and Coulthard (1975: 78) observed that the most common type of classroom activity is known as “IRF”-“Initiation - Response - Feedback”: the teacher initiates a question, and students come out an answer, and then the teacher gives feedback (assessment, comment, correction); then the teacher initiates the next question, and so on.   3. Classroom Questioning from Different Types of Lessons
  The types of lessons, on the one hand it generates on the basis of the classification of various subjects; on the other hand it depends on abstractly generalizing a common feature of all kinds of teaching materials and methods. The types of English lessons vary with different angles: according to the teaching contents and tasks, they are divided into new lesson, review lesson and practice lesson; in the light of the skills training objectives, they are divided into listening, speaking, reading, writing and translating lessons. Two basic types of English lessons are dialogue lesson (listening and speaking) and reading lesson. As lots of teachers’ experience, different types of lessons can have different effects on classroom questioning.
  For one thing, in new lesson teachers take leading questions depending on the content, in order to make students master new knowledge. If students participate in class positively, it will help them be equipped with new knowledge better. In review lesson and practice lesson, the number of questions will be more, because students have learned these contents, just to strengthen by review and practice. Teachers’ questions help examine students’ mastery of knowledge.
  For another, if questions of listening lesson are to enable students to answer first according to listening materials, and encourage those students to answer questions positively (regardless of the answer is correct or not) with some small rewards, thus good classroom atmosphere will produce. The biggest feature of Chinese students is not to listen and afraid to listen, so teachers should often encourage them to listen boldly. Speaking lesson is taught by foreign teachers to increase students’ opportunity to speak in class. Foreign teachers’ questions tend to be more casual, and they have more standardized oral English, even along with their plentiful body language, thus it can make students in a natural and relaxing classroom environment to be more conducive into the classroom. Reading lesson is divided into intensive and extensive reading. The questions of intensive reading are heuristic questions, mainly to make students accurately understand the details of the text; while the questions of extensive reading are checking questions, and teachers simply need to make the targeted explanation. In writing lesson, the number of classroom questioning is even fewer. After teachers explain and give the topic, students begin writing their own compositions. As for the questions of translation lesson, teachers ask students to independently translate simple sentences and articles, or let them make groups to translate difficult contents, also ask questions and give guidance to students timely.   4. Implications
【Abstract】The differences between English and Chinese can be found at various levels, one of the most important distinctions between English and Chinese lies in the contrast between hypotaxis and para
【摘要】六年前的春天,我参加了由市教研室组织的一次关于课堂教学的研讨会,第一次接触到了“和谐高效,思维对话”这种课堂教学理念。通过学习研讨,我对这种模式有了初步的了解,并认识到:目前,提高课堂效率的当务之急是要提高我们自身的素质,因为对小学英语来说,教师仍是课堂效率的核心因素,高素质的教师才能实现高效率的课堂。于是在今后的几年中,我一直学习着,思考着,实践着,收获着。  【关键词】效率 兴趣 关系
【摘要】英語是高中学习课程的基础课程,而语法知识又是英语的基础性课程,高中生首先要了解语法才能学好英文,本文对此进行论证。  【关键词】英语 语法 高中生  引言  英语是高中学习必不可少的课程,而英语语法又是英语课程中最重要的部分。要想学习好英语,就得先学习好语法。作为高中生的一份子,本人认为首先要做的就是了解学习英语语法的重要性,在了解语法的基础上提升自己的英语能力。  一、语法对英语的重要性
【摘要】作文教学不仅是小学语文课程教学中的重点,还是难点,对于教师来说难教,对于学生而言难学。特别是在农村地区由于经济相对落后、交通不便,写作素材比较有限,学生的视野受到限制,在写作教学中存在着不少难点,严重影响预期教学目标的实现。基于此,笔者通过对农村小学生作文的难点进行认真浅析和研究,同时提出一些科学合理的对策。  【关键词】农村 小学生 作文 难点 对策  小学语文作文教学是一个相当关键的构
【摘要】词汇是语言的基础,Wilkins指出:without vocabulary, nothing can be conveyed.Mc Carthy也指出:不论一个人语言多标准、语法学得多透彻,没有足够的词汇量作基础,也不能表达完整的意思。为此,词汇教学是探讨英语教学的焦点问题之一。文章主要谈谈高中英语词汇教学有效性的主要途径。  【关键词】高中英语 词汇教学 有效教学 主要策略  目前的高中
【摘要】当前英语课堂英语的教学在不断创新,教学方法和手段得到了很大的改进,但是仅仅是课堂的改进还是不够的。作业作为课堂的延伸,是一个让学生充分锻炼检测的好机会。教师要精心设置作业,力争作业富有层次性多样性。  【关键词】小学英语作业设计 层次性 多样化  新课程标准的基本理念你时素质教育,语言的学习体现对学生的发展作用。英语的教学要面向全体学生尊重不同学习者的个体差异,促进学生的全面发展。任务在于
【摘要】我校是进城务工人员子女指定接受学校,这些孩子缺乏良好的学习习惯,学习兴趣不浓,学习目标不明确。针对这样的孩子,在教学中要根据他们的特点,培养他们的学习习惯,激发他们学习兴趣,使其体验成功的快乐,让他们找回“自我”,找到“信心”,让这些“流动的花”茁壮成长。  【关键词】进城务工人员子女 良好习惯 化学学习 激发兴趣  我校是指定进城务工人员子女接收就读学校,进城务工人员子女占全校72.25
(说明:本套试卷满分150分,考试时间120分钟)    试卷报告    本套试卷严格依据201 O年浙江省普通高考《考试说明》和课程标准的内容、范围和要求设置,试题难度力求与高考试卷相当,在试题的设计上,以常规题为主,同时又有所创新  本套试卷注重对基础知识、基本方法、基本技能的考查,起点较低,但部分试题对问题细节及审题的要求较高,如第9题(理)、第10题、第16题、第19题(理),本套试卷注重
【摘要】英语是世界上使用范围最广的语言,在国际舞台上发挥着越来越重要的作用。经过小学的基础学习,学生有了一定的英语基础,而初中生具有很大的发展潜力。英语歌曲可以培养学生的语感,对学生英语口语表达和发音都有很大帮助。本文立足初中英语教学实际,从多方面论述英语歌曲在初中英语教学中的运用,探讨如何在教学中利用好英语歌曲资源。  【关键词】英语歌曲 初中英语 教学策略  在英语教学过程中合理地运用运用英语