图书馆位于北美典型的郊区商业街上。为 了使它能区别于周围的建筑,这座单层建筑的南北两个墙面被有意地夸张出来。这样做不仅使建筑有突出的形象,而且使室内充满了柔和的自然光线。 虽然南北的墙面很夸张, 西侧的入口却被有效地压缩以保证近人的尺度。压缩而得的凹谷贯穿于
The library is located in a typical suburban commercial street in North America. In order to distinguish it from the surrounding buildings, the north and south walls of the single-storey building were intentionally exaggerated. This not only gives the building a prominent image, it also fills the interior with soft natural light. Although the walls in the north and south are exaggerated, the entrance to the west is effectively compressed to ensure a close standard. Condensed valleys run through